terje439 -> Want input from others on two things... (12/16/2018 8:57:04 PM)
1. The attack power of carrier based aircrafts towards land units. Have had 2 RN CVs obliberate one German Pz in one round, from 10->0 strength. Seems excessive to me (have seen the attack power of carrier based aircrafts in other examples too, but this was the worst one) 2. The attack power of amphibious landing crafts. Had a RN AV attack and do 7 strength to my German paratrooper unit. Makes it impossible to hold the coast in France once the Wallies decide to invade. When the invasion started I had all the ports occupied by corps units, but they were all smashed by the invading amphibious units, then allowing the landed units to march far inland on the same turn. Btw, love the AIs invasion of Normandie, far better than in the Europe version. Anyway, anyone encountered the abovementioned issues and have any thought about it? Terje