The Matrix games (Full Version)

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Masaladosa -> The Matrix games (12/18/2018 4:43:44 AM)

I never played MXO but I've always been a huge fan of the franchise. Not just the movies and games, but the potential of it, just how much greatness that universe has to offer. I wonder if I'm alone. Does anyone else wish for more Matrix gaming experiences in the future?

LanguageWriter123 -> RE: The Matrix games (12/18/2018 8:10:11 AM)

Give the Matrix Online a try if you like the Matrix universe so much then. It doesn't look bad, the leveling system looks neat. Have you played The Matrix: The Path of Neo on the PS2 before? That one don't look half bad either.

zakblood -> RE: The Matrix games (12/18/2018 2:11:55 PM)

more spam

Aurelian -> RE: The Matrix games (12/18/2018 6:38:33 PM)

Just because the name here is Matrix Games, it does not follow that it is some part of MXO.

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