ivanov -> Graphics issues, unable to play the game (12/18/2018 4:07:13 PM)
I don't get the full screen, which is disappointing, but apparently it's a common issue ( my resolution is 1366 x 768 ). Appart from this, when I minimise the game window I got this: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/50n7yh0f/Sin-t-tulo.png[/img] In game, the control panel is partially covered by the message bar: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/DwwMkyyB/Panel.png[/img] Apart from this, after I start the game, I have to wait about two minutes, before the menu buttons become responsive. All in all, this has been the most frustrating experience, I've had with a game in years. I have the Steam version.