rkr1958 -> RE: Witness to World War 2. (8/13/2019 2:43:51 AM)
Turn 34. Mar/Apr 1945. Allied #2. Weather Summary. Action. With only a 30% chance that the fine weather over Germany will last into the next impulse (pair), the allies decide for a three prong all out offensive to pretty much finish off Germany. The Soviets will, of course, attack from the East, the US primarily from the southwest and the Brits from the northwest. This means that the USN and RN will just have to let Japan's resupply and transport of resources through the South China and China Seas to stand for this impulse at least. [image]local://upfiles/31901/1F27582D18BD468F89C0B95B5C0575B5.jpg[/image]