rkr1958 -> RE: Witness to World War 2. (1/14/2019 11:13:54 PM)
ORIGINAL: Courtenay quote:
ORIGINAL: rkr1958 Turn 6. May/June 1940. Question. How can the French and British put a major obstacle in the way of Germany's Blitzkrieg attack on France? Answer: Roll a 1 for weather in May/June. And that's exactly what happened. To really foul things up, roll a one on the last weather roll of M/J, and then roll nothing but tens in J/A. I have never seen this happen, but I am sure that someone somewhere has done it. If it happened to me, I would throw the die across the room. If it happened with MWiF, I don't think I would throw the computer across the room, but I would be tempted. [:)] Most definitely. So from a roll of 1 in M/J you'd go from North Temperate=Storm,Med=Rain to a roll of 10+2=12 in J/A, which gives rain in both. Then if you continued to roll 10's, which would increase +2 to 12, you'd have continued rain in both areas. That would indeed bit big time for the Germans in 1940 and for the allies in 1943-1945.