disappearing reinforcements (Full Version)

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daj -> disappearing reinforcements (1/4/2019 12:52:24 PM)

Playing the 43-45 campaign as Germans with east box checked. Having difficulty controlling east front VP losses to some degree because reinforcements do not show up. For example on June 10th (turn 50) I expected 2 infantry divisions, infantry brigade, artillery brigade, and a heavy tank company for the east. None arrived.

Why? How do you plan with this uncertainty?

Denniss -> RE: disappearing reinforcements (1/4/2019 1:23:22 PM)

The 140th Army Artillery Brigade should show up, the other units not as these are Axis monor units. I'm not sure it's correct to even show Axis minor units arriving to EFB.

daj -> RE: disappearing reinforcements (1/4/2019 3:20:06 PM)

Thank you for the quick reply and information. I should have noted that the two full divisions I expected on turn 50 were Finnish. However I do see some minor Axis units on the east front: Norway, Latvia, Croatia. And turn 51 am due a full Hungarian Hussar division. Would I be safer to assume at this point in the campaign that I can only count on German reinforcements?

Denniss -> RE: disappearing reinforcements (1/4/2019 7:00:53 PM)

only german units count in EFB and EFB menu only shows german units.

Joel Billings -> RE: disappearing reinforcements (1/7/2019 4:27:44 AM)

Yes, it's a mistake that the axis allied units are being displayed as reinforcements as we don't track those units in the EF box. You should see the 140th Army Artillery unit. I looked at my last test game and it is there on turn 50. It's hard to spot in the list, but it's got a CV value of 20 so it does stand out from the others if you look for the CV value.

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