Help Please. 'Battlemaker' Fails to Run (Full Version)

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sepp3gd -> Help Please. 'Battlemaker' Fails to Run (1/5/2019 5:17:04 PM)

Hello there,
I just downloaded 'Close Combat: Cross of Iron' and cannot use the 'Battlemaker' to create my own user scenarios, etc.

When I click the 'Battlemaker' on the Main Menu, an error message appears titled 'Close Combat Error' and states: "One or more of the parameters passed to the function are incorrect."

I click 'OK' and then the program closes and I am brought back to the window 'CCCOI Gamemenu'

I attempted to download the updates, and successfully did and installed the application. However, this failed to correct the problem. Any solutions?

Thank you,

sepp3gd -> RE: Help Please. 'Battlemaker' Fails to Run (1/10/2019 11:00:57 PM)

I should have never misplaced my 'Close Combat III: The Russian Front' CD-ROM...

(Immitating Ben Stein from 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off') - "Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Anyo..."


(Just posting to let you all know I am still in need of help)



Happy New Year

Kanov -> RE: Help Please. 'Battlemaker' Fails to Run (1/13/2019 3:46:11 PM)

Did you put a custom map into the maps folder?

sepp3gd -> RE: Help Please. 'Battlemaker' Fails to Run (1/19/2019 2:32:54 AM)


Thank you for replying.

To answer your question, as far as I am aware, no there are not any custom maps. To discover yes or no to your question, I have checked the actual saved games (within the game menu) and there are none. Also, there are no user created maps to load in the game either. I have attempted to download the newest updates with success, and installed them with success, but it has not improved the error to correction.

I uninstalled the game entirely. I downloaded the game again, unzipped and extracted the application, and began installation of the game itself.

Note: While installing the game, just toward the end of the installation process, there is an interruption - a series of three interruptions occurs. Each interruption has a set of windows, two windows precisely, a pair of windows per each interruption. Three interruptions total. This is toward the end of the game installation process, after I have already accepted to the user agreement, after I have already entered the serial number, and after I have already chosen the destination folder as well as the option for inclusion of shortcuts for users. This is the interruption in detail:

SET #1
(Upper Left Corner Window)
Copying Files...
To C:\WINDOWS\system32

(Dead Center Windown)
Confirm File Replace
Source: C:\Matrix Games\Close Combat Cross of Iron\redist\Ir50_32.dll
Target: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ir50_32.dll
The target file exists and is newer than the source.
Overwite the newer file?
[Yes] [No] [No to all]

SET #2:
(Upper Left Corner Window)
Copying Files...
To C:\WINDOWS\system32

(Dead Center Windown)
Confirm File Replace
Source: C:\Matrix Games\Close Combat Cross of Iron\redist\Ir50_qc.dll
Target: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ir50_qc.dll
The target file exists and is newer than the source.
Overwite the newer file?
[Yes] [No] [No to all]

SET #3
(Upper Left Corner Window)
Copying Files...
To C:\WINDOWS\system32

(Dead Center Windown)
Confirm File Replace
Source: C:\Matrix Games\Close Combat Cross of Iron\redist\Ir50_qcx.dll
Target: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ir50_qcx.dll
The target file exists and is newer than the source.
Overwite the newer file?
[Yes] [No] [No to all]

So I clicked Yes for all three this time. If it does not work, I will try No to all next time. If that does not work, I will try each combination possible.

sepp3gd -> RE: Help Please. 'Battlemaker' Fails to Run (1/30/2019 1:56:27 PM)

Still nothing as of yet...

EskoH -> Unable to continue CC_COI -Fuger's Eastern Fury (6/5/2019 8:09:11 AM)

I bought a CC-COI couple of months ago. I installed the game and it works fine (even on Win10).
I also tried a new campaign "Fuger's östliche Wut". It is nice feature and fun to play.
Everything went fine up to scenario "Final Days: Fuger's Eastern Fury" (i.e. almost to the end). There I won the "start map" several times (major and/or decisive victory). Yet, after a short film clip (medal award / promotion ceremony) the game returns ALLWAYS back to the same scenario (star map), to same positions and to same roster!
How can I proceed and play the remaining 3...4 operations and accomplish the campaign?
Best thanks for your prompt reply!

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