Scenario 2 - I'm looking for an Allied opponent - Closed (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> Opponents Wanted


specie1 -> Scenario 2 - I'm looking for an Allied opponent - Closed (1/8/2019 10:31:19 PM)

I have been playing War in the Pacific since the very first one on my Apple IIc. I played the new War in the Pacific when it came out and played 2 PBEM games but both opponents dropped out in 1943. I was playing an Admirial's Edition PBEM as Japan up until mid '42 but my opponent has disappeared. He was a really nice guy who knew the game in detail and helped me immensely. I hope he is all right.

As I say i have learned a lot but i would still rather play scenario 2 since it is more forgiving - especially in regards to economic issues.

I can usually do one turn per day Monday through Thursday and 3 or 4 turns per day Friday through Sunday. I live in the EST.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Pilsator -> RE: Scenario 2 - I'm looking for an Allied opponent (1/9/2019 8:42:24 AM)

if you are still interested I would give it a try ;)

specie1 -> RE: Scenario 2 - I'm looking for an Allied opponent (1/10/2019 1:00:17 AM)

Hi Pilsator,

Thanks for your response.

I had another member email me a response and i answered him first so i think i will wait til tomorrow for his response.

I'll keep you posted.


specie1 -> RE: Scenario 2 - I'm looking for an Allied opponent (1/10/2019 5:08:46 PM)

Hi Pilsator,

Looks like I found another opponent already.

Best of luck finding a game.


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