Call to Arms (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> The Operational Art of War IV >> Opponents Wanted


Raindem -> Call to Arms (1/22/2019 1:45:40 AM)

I plan on updating this scenario in the near future but it's been so long since I've played I need to re-acquaint myself with it first.

Anyone up for a game? I'll take either side.


Attack -> RE: Call to Arms (1/22/2019 7:05:44 AM)

Itīs a great scenario, Iīve played it both sides PBEM, and itīs nice. Against computer, as British the computer simply doesnīt move, as USA the computers plays well.

I can play PBEM again, itīs a pleasure.

Raindem -> RE: Call to Arms (1/22/2019 12:16:37 PM)

PM sent.

sapper32 -> RE: Call to Arms (1/24/2019 11:05:39 AM)

It's great your updating this scenario I've played it many times on TOAW III but on TOAW IV I don't have the same unit graphics just the NATO symbols


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