jdsrae -> ASW Tactics & Logistics (1/26/2019 3:30:27 AM)
I've just read a few old posts with some info on this topic, but am keen for some feedback on the following to see if anyone has better ideas. My plan is to form IJN ASW divisions with 1xAG, 4xSC, 1xAV and 1xFP each. Tactics For the SC group, I ran a few test and letting them loiter in a base hex doesn't use any fuel, so that suggests they are anchored in port and not actually patrolling. So what works best: 1. set them on a patrol using a single waypoint in a non-base hex to keep them at sea but mostly in a single hex, not burning too much fuel, or 2. set them on a patrol using 2-3 waypoint hexes, using a bit more fuel but moving about the area a bit more, probably all within 3-4 hexes of the base location. In both instances set react to 6 so if a sub is detected nearby (by the FP group) they have a chance to react? For the FP group, I will train the pilots up in both Naval Search and ASW. Does low naval or any other skill matter or is ASW the only one used for attacking subs? The ASW mission seems to be similar to NS in that planes fly even when a sub hasn't yet been detected (so different to Naval Attack), but I've seen other posts that suggest having a mix of NS and ASW missions overlapping is best. The reason seems to be that ASW missions fly half range, so NS will help detect subs on the surface at longer ranges. The aim being to get some Detection Level on the sub using the NS mission and then try to keep it up to give a chance of the ASW mission or Subchaser TF to react. I assume night ASW or NS missions are pointless without the plane having radar? So what works best: 1. have 1 x FP group 50% NS and 50% ASW (or less, with some % rest to manage fatigue/morale/airframes), or 2. run the FP group on NS only until subs start being detected, then change some % to ASW as above? Logistics I also ran a few tests in game to see how much fuel and supply each ASW Div will need to keep them hunting, and the answer seems to be "not much". For example, 3 x SC Ch-1 have 90 fuel/SC when full. They use about 2 fuel when loitering and about 3 per hex of movement, so they can stay on patrol for about 1 month if they don't react to an enemy sub. 3 x ships in the Div means each ASW base needs < 300 fuel/month to keep them moving. That means CS convoys resupplying these locations is a bad idea as they would provide too much fuel, so manual refuelling convoys using small tankers is required. Supply will be needed to rearm depth charges, but that is likely a very low/month requirement too. I then tested 1xFP group with 1 x AV at Haha-jima. Even though the FP were flying morning and night they didn't use any supply. I assume that means they only use supply if they drop bombs trying to attack an enemy sub? That also suggest that re-supply needs are very low/month, so use manual task forces for both local refuel and resupply of the ASW Div locations. Any comments appreciated, especially if I've got something wrong above, or you have a view on the best tactics for ASW task forces or FP groups. Cheers Jim