296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (Full Version)

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Rusty1961 -> 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/4/2019 6:45:14 PM)

Today, 04 February 1703, the 46 remaining Ronin of the 47 former Samurai of Ako Han (Domain), who had taken vengeance for their Lord, Asano Naganori, Daimyo of Ako, commit seppuku (ritual suicide) as honour requires them. The youngest was 16 year old Oishi Chikara, the son of the groups leader Oishi Yoshio. The 46 are then interred at Sengaku-ji, a Sato Zen Buddhist Temple near modern day Shinagawa Station in Tokyo. The final Ronin, Terasaka Kichiemon, who had been sent as a messenger to Ako Han to report that vengeance had been taken, returns and is spared seppuku by orders of the Shogun. He would die of old age in 1747 and be buried along side his comrades where all still remain today.

Yaab -> RE: 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/4/2019 8:46:51 PM)

They magdeburgisiert themselves.

sPzAbt. 502 -> RE: 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/7/2019 8:36:47 AM)



Mark VII -> RE: 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/7/2019 2:38:43 PM)

My wife and I visited the graves two years ago during our three day layover in Tokyo.

The Sengakuji Temple near the Shinagawa Station in Tokyo.


Mark VII -> RE: 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/7/2019 2:42:26 PM)



Mark VII -> RE: 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/7/2019 2:42:55 PM)



Mark VII -> RE: 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/7/2019 2:43:24 PM)



Mark VII -> RE: 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/7/2019 2:45:41 PM)

These are only a few of the pics I took there. Even though it was the first day of February, the Cherry Blossoms were just starting to bud.


zakblood -> RE: 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/7/2019 2:48:32 PM)

thanks for the story and share, some great photos

sPzAbt. 502 -> RE: 296th anniversary of the 47 Ronin committing Seppuku....Respect (2/8/2019 10:41:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: zakblood

thanks for the story and share, some great photos


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