The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (Full Version)

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SparkleyTits -> The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 12:03:41 PM)

Week 1 report

My plan is to ultimately make Dinglr work for his every meal, be as stubborn and annoying as I absolutely can be and to brawl whenever the situation allows, heck I'll even go on the offensive if I see the chance however unlikely that is.
All of this is of course aslong as I don't break my own back in doing so.
I do fully expect Dinglr to be an opponent who has adds in a lot of time and throughput to his own moves and so he may not give me much oversight to work with and I may struggle with this tactic.

With that in line I will treat my forces more like Stalin did, by throwing men at perceived problems and throwing some more into places I see perceived advantages
There will be mistakes because of this and I fully expect to lose many, many more divisions than is usually seen as nessecary but I enjoy playing this way so logic be damned

If any lonely wives, mothers, daughters imply that because of my coldheartedness that they no longer have their loved ones then it's a one way trip to the gulag, where I am sure they can put that passion and energy to a much more productive means

The motherland shall endure

I'll also be matching this AAR along with Dinglrs so that we have no weird time travelling going on inbetween reading both AAR's

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 12:06:33 PM)


SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 12:20:03 PM)

Dinglr unfortunately catches a lot of units in AGN with a mere division escaping

I isolate 2 panzers at Riga and open the pocket with daisy chains and throw in a bit chaff to buy me some time and threaten his supply lines if he lunges too deeply
I did also have the opportunity to stop the supply of the divisions over the Dvina but didn't see the point of throwing divisions away with his fuel stocks

With this hopeful time, focusing on resealing and the odd knat bites I put in the way I forgo being completely secure and go for a very skimpy Pskov it is hopefully enough to get a good fort line going in time if I see a concerted effort for the area but I don't want to overcommit straight away if this theatre is not as prioritised

Dinglr can get around this entire defence at the Porkhov area if he chooses but I am hoping his turn 2 position in the area will help him decide the more "correct" decision of playing it safe

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 12:21:38 PM)


SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 12:28:34 PM)

All pockets are airtight here so no temporary relief for anybody except dropping some supplies into Brest litovsk
They should of fought harder the cowards........

Beyond that not much to report here as AGC gets all of the weakest of allocations and gets absolutely no railcap for ensuring the safety of it's divisions so I just use the chaff in the area to make whatever paltry defence I can to stall Dinglr

Dinglr could eat some divisions here if he goes aggresive
The men will have to fight hard for their lives if that is what happens as I was not willing to use any of my precious resources on men as weak of heart and mind as these ones
We can call it the tough love of an attentive father, if they survive they will be all the better for it

I do send some airborne and other cheap rail cap units to stop an easy route to Velkie

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 12:30:21 PM)


SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 12:34:01 PM)

I manage to open Lvov but unfortunately Kovel was 1mp off, darn weaklings can't even walk themselves to safety......

Because of lvov being opened and my fort lines being up and running I decide to get stuck straight in to get a taste for how Dinglr fights
I'm very anxious as doing this on turn 1 is stupid but hey ho
I tried not to commit too many forces into the brawl and losing out on other theatres needlessly, below this picture there is barely anything else defending AGS, perhaps 6 total divisions

Everything else was sent swiftly on the rails around Mogilev, Vitebsk, Velkie etc to be diverted north or centre on turn 2 as needed

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 12:36:31 PM)

Misc reports

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 12:36:59 PM)

I noticed that Dinglrs airframes were not flying interceptions so decide to be a ruthless scalliwag and run my bomber arm to the bone knocking out almost 100 Axis airframes on turn 1

18 divisions of 50+ morale are unsalvalable and a lot of their revivals may never get to the same level before winter, they will be forever mourned

All in all turn 1 was a bit of a mixed bag but I am fairly happy with the situation and hopeful for turn 2

richter53 -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 4:02:08 PM)

Let's play a game.

xhoel -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 4:20:55 PM)

Nice to see you are doing a AAR ST! Would just recommend to keep the text and the pics in the same post since it's easier to follow the course of events. Good luck!

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/6/2019 4:31:17 PM)

Thanks Xhoel
Yeah you're definitely right now you mention it I'll start that from next turn, appreciate the heads up!

I appreciate the offer Ritcher but unfortunately don't have the time to play anymore games atm, I hope you find yourself a game soon!

AFV -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/7/2019 12:48:14 AM)

Looking forward to seeing this from both sides. Good luck to both of you.

Nice that you were able to isolate the two panzer divisions by Riga. Every little bit helps for the Soviet on T1.

You left an airbase alone just NE of Tarnopol? I guess no planes are in it.

56ajax -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/7/2019 5:05:11 AM)

About time comrade [8D]

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/7/2019 5:26:12 AM)

Thanks guys

Yes the HQ's & airfields that are in dangerous situations are both empty and attempting to escape from Dinglrs pockets

VigaBrand -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/7/2019 3:00:27 PM)

normal winter and +1? I don't see which settings you used (only the modifier, logistic, ...)

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/7/2019 3:32:25 PM)

Ah apologies bud my head has a tendency to bypass relaying the small details more often than I would like to admit [:D]

We're playing with no bonuses and full blizzard as we thought that would be best mix with the tweaks!

Dinglir -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/7/2019 4:45:19 PM)

I am not sure I relish the though of playing against a dunce.

If I lose, what will that make me?

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/7/2019 5:04:20 PM)

Well we have it on good authority that your war will win by christmas so I am sure it'll not be an issue!

bigbaba1111 -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/8/2019 7:59:33 PM)

holy moly. this aircraft loses in turn one are impressive. dealing with stef in my game and his red air force is annoying as hell.:) as soon as my guys get their heads out of the trenches to take a piss, there are pesky sturmoviks and i-15 there.:) also, good decision to play without soviet boni. +1 is hell for axis player, because pocket walls are broken easily.

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/8/2019 8:25:38 PM)

I got lucky Dinglrs airforce was offline by him experimenting and I very meanly decided not to be forgiving about the fact [:D]

It is annoying as hell I think most would agree!
I find the Russian airforce is incredibly hard to beat and is a simple affair to atleast get the initiative with quickly in 41 atm

Yeah I thought with the 80% logisctics and the game being tweaked to help the defender that +1 would not be all that in line with what we were hoping for, plus I am more used to it so I find it more comfortable to play with which is nice!

Dinglir -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/9/2019 6:20:41 AM)

Actually, I did not turn off the airforce on turn one. I just saw the Group range setting for the first time ever (I am a returning player) and assumed it's unit of measure was hexes. I then set all fighters to fly at a range of 10.....

I really dislike the Soviet +1, as it is almost an "autogenerate" for Soviet Guards units. Compared to history, this game generates far too many Guards units already, and compunding the issue with +1 simply makes them swarm all over the place. To my mind, Guards should be "special" units thatactually mean something.

As for beating the Soviet air force, I do not think it is a possibility against an experienced, slow paced player. I fully assume that Sparkley will have the initiative in the air by the end of the year. This is another ahistorical thing, by the way. It took until 1943 and the battles above the Kuban bridgehead and Kursk for the Soviets to gain operational parity in the air.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/9/2019 2:28:57 PM)



As for beating the Soviet air force, I do not think it is a possibility against an experienced, slow paced player. I fully assume that Sparkley will have the initiative in the air by the end of the year. This is another ahistorical thing, by the way. It took until 1943 and the battles above the Kuban bridgehead and Kursk for the Soviets to gain operational parity in the air.

The Germans can, against an experienced Soviet, prolong the Air war into 43 until operational parity is achieved. I am sorry to say that I have yet to see anyone that knows how to do this besides myself as a German.

dcaflak -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/10/2019 1:20:28 PM)

I can't wait to see how this game develops, I'll be sure to be following the updates!

Nice job on the isolations, frustrating the enemy's mobile units is always good.

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/11/2019 4:11:41 PM)

I unfortunately forgot to take pictures at my start of the turn so only end of turn this time folks



Last turn went relatively well in this area with none of the worst case scenarios happening, however I still cannot tell where Dinglr is playing all of his cards so it'll be more guessing games until he does

First we send some diggers to the Narva line as it is plausible that Dinglr could lunge that way and I rail in what I hope is sufficent CV to Pskov, same as last turn though I do not want to overcommit until I have to
Then I agrrevate Reinhardts corp by stopping the supply of 2 panzer divisions and plopping some decent stacks of CV in hopes of leading his forces attention to that area
I forcus heavily on ground bombing to heighten fatigue and hopefully limit Dinglrs MP on the panzers as much as possible
lastly I managed to slow FBD in AGN down by 3 hexes, every little helps


I end the turn feeling pretty safe here unless there are some nasty surprises I have not noticed

Same in this theatre luckily none of the worst case scenarios happened and it appears like AGC is not being prioritised but still probably need another turn or possibly 2 to be 100% sure

At the swamps NW of Vitebsk I bring what paltry units I can in hopes it is sufficient forces to stop Axis advance here
I pocket 2 divisions although they have 41-55% fuel stocks and then I block supply to 1 panzer near the Dvina stopping it's fuel gains for a turn
I also focused heavily on ground bombing panzers in this theatre for added fatigue
There is lots of weaknesses here so relying on bluffs and Dinglr playing safe
There is still a chance of hidden panzer corps here that have not been shown so I am worried but I hope this is not the case and Dinglr will prioritise elsewhere for now

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/11/2019 4:19:45 PM)



I open the pocket on each end, dislodge a panzer HQ and isolate 5 panzer divisions although 1st CAV and a panzer division will still have 41-55% fuel inside the pocket
There is still a tonne of armour in the area but at least 11 of them are regiments atm

I concentrated on throwing future dead units at panzer regis/divisions to higher fatigue
Again I focused heavily on ground bombing panzers for added fatigue

I took quite a few uneeded risks this turn along all fronts, most of all with AGS plausibly becoming fairly nasty but Stalin had his whip out demanding I "hold the facists back" so I had no say in the matter

I save most of my AP in hopes of being able to counter and aggrevate more by surprise next turn, I quickly realised how stupid this was when I lost 24ap on turn 3 but thought it was important to show how stupid and lax I can be sometimes [:D]

xhoel -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/11/2019 9:33:07 PM)

Pays dividends to harass the Axis like that constantly. Dinglr should watch out and try to keep his flanks in order to avoid his unit being cut off again and again.

Dinglir -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/12/2019 3:25:27 PM)



Pays dividends to harass the Axis like that constantly. Dinglr should watch out and try to keep his flanks in order to avoid his unit being cut off again and again.

Without looking into my turn two report, my memory is that I found the risk worth it to bag three Motorized Divisions and a Tank Division. Especially as I had Panzers to the rear that could easily come forward and do some nasty stuff in case Sparkley did a close up defense.

That being said, I did expect the Soviets to run and I certainly did not expect them to encircle the Panzers even if they did decide to stick close.

SparkleyTits -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/12/2019 3:51:13 PM)

Well after reading your turn 2 analysis I certainly came to agree with you on me throwing away my MOT, all in all I think it was a bad choice and I could of chosen better sacrfices as they are a good long term haul for you and a bad long term lose for me, even if bad units

xhoel -> RE: The dunce (ST) vs the diligent (Dinglr) - all welcome (2/12/2019 4:26:16 PM)





Pays dividends to harass the Axis like that constantly. Dinglr should watch out and try to keep his flanks in order to avoid his unit being cut off again and again.

Without looking into my turn two report, my memory is that I found the risk worth it to bag three Motorized Divisions and a Tank Division. Especially as I had Panzers to the rear that could easily come forward and do some nasty stuff in case Sparkley did a close up defense.

That being said, I did expect the Soviets to run and I certainly did not expect them to encircle the Panzers even if they did decide to stick close.

Fair enough. The point I was trying to make is that your units will lose morale and suffer additional attrition losses when cut off. When that happens once or twice it is not a big deal, but constant repeating will leave your forces weak and you will take losses that you could easily avoid. That translates to lower CV, lower morale hampers movement etc etc. Just saying you should be careful is all!

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