Out of Touch (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> Scenario Design and Modding


keith63 -> Out of Touch (2/9/2019 2:50:25 PM)

Hi all, well i'm back into this game after about a 3 year hiatus, and I would love to upgrade my maps and whatnot, I was wondering if instead of scrolling thru page after page here if someone would be kind enough to post some links for map mods for me, would be very much appreciated!!

m10bob -> RE: Out of Touch (2/13/2019 5:47:29 PM)

Kieth...if you go to the RHS comprehensive MOD thread in the scenario area, (where you are with this question), you will see the link to download the entire RHS mod, maps and all.)

LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Out of Touch (2/13/2019 7:04:15 PM)

Just for map mods, you may want to visit http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4151200 for the excellent "Pacifica Bellum v3" map and variants.

Scenario mods are listed here: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3088504

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