How are MPP's calculated? (Full Version)

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Bylandt11 -> How are MPP's calculated? (2/10/2019 6:23:46 AM)

I'm playing an Italy solo campaign. My first concern was getting more MPP's. It made me realize I don't really know how MPP's are calculated.

Probably like most players, I handle the economic part of the game more by instinct than calculation: when I conquer stuff, I get more MPP's. But for a small power like Italy, every MPP counts.

I look at the report and can't really figure out how the figures there relate to the territories under control. For instance, in my current game India has 4 from cities, 6 from ports, 0 from oil and 2 from mines. But I can't figure out how that relates to the cities and ports on the Indian subcontinent and their indicated supply value.Or what the connection is with the MPP collection report you get at the end of the turn.

Does anyone know the MPP's are calculated. What's the value of a domestic 10-port, a conquered 8-city and an overseas 5-mine? How do you caculate the actual monthly income?

sPzAbt653 -> RE: How are MPP's calculated? (2/10/2019 11:06:11 AM)

Mouse over the locations and see the 'Value', that gives you the MPP Value for each type of Resource in that country.


Bylandt11 -> RE: How are MPP's calculated? (2/10/2019 1:51:39 PM)

Thanks. Odd that I never noticed that. I always assumed economic value was a factor of the supply value. It appears I've been conquering a lot of useless real estate.

sPzAbt653 -> RE: How are MPP's calculated? (2/10/2019 7:58:38 PM)

There is probably a chart somewhere in the manual that shows the MPP Values for each Resource.

Kornstalx -> RE: How are MPP's calculated? (2/10/2019 10:04:43 PM)

I can't find it anywhere in the WaW manual, but here's the table from the WiE manual. Some of these numbers are probably different, but it'll give you a general indicator of what's worthless for both games:


Mithrilotter -> RE: How are MPP's calculated? (2/11/2019 1:23:01 AM)

Investing in Industrial Production Tech is a real winner to increase MPP's for the US and the Soviet Union.

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