Crackaces -> RE: 07.08-13.08.41 (2/27/2019 2:51:33 PM)
ORIGINAL: SparkleyTits Saving trucks sounds nice indeed! Would it also mean the divisision gets less of it's supplies and ammo needs with you getting less supply convoys rolling in, as that could be a nasty downside, or am I missing some context/thinking about it the wrong way and supplies received is still the same as a % of needs? (for the forum as ST is quite versed in WITE) What I think ST is pointing out is that every unit has a total supply and ammo on hand and a need. It is shown when you look at a unit as supply/need. The German units start turn 1 with like 200%. As things progress this extra money in the bank is used to progress ever Eastward. At some point supplies on hand decrease below need and a pull logic starts up with the units demanding supplies and ammo. Fuel works the same way and on turn 3 it becomes quite a shock to the new German player <smile>. When supplies on hand drop below need trucks are sent out with stuff to meet the demand. Unfortunately every truck used undergoes a random die roll to be damaged or destroyed. The further in MP's from the rail head the more likely the truck will be damaged. A division will use supplies just sitting there. If adjacent to an enemy unit it will use supplies and ammo undergoing attrition during the logistics phase. A small appreciable amount of supplies are used for digging. Now it is possible that the initial bank is never used and thus directly the trucks are not going to bring supplies. But this is an incremental game -- that is everything saved now can be used later. So yes with supplies greater than demand using supplies is not going to demand trucks that turn , but the piper will have to be paid someday. From my perspective every truck saved every turn postpones the time and effect of the great truck deficit that happens starting the first winter, and is relieved by making the north sector static. My tactical and operational habits during winter uses a lot of trucks. <smile>. I equate a unit needlessly digging in as simply burning $100 bills that I will need when the money becomes much more rare. Just like a rich banker regrets all those Louis XIII shots right after the crash. Clearly movement and combat are far more dramatic uses of supplies and ammo, but say 50 divisions digging in will each use a small increment of supplies that together add up .. and trucks will go out and replenish those supplies once supplies drop below needs. Where it has been pointed out to me that dramatic ramifications rear its ugly head is when truck needs is greater than trucks on hand ... here the conservation of just a few trucks can mean a real difference .. I hope that makes the point more clear?