TimOusley -> RE: How do you make dipping sonar stop at each waypoint? (2/14/2019 6:16:25 PM)
Once your waypoints are set, select one of them and enter instructions in the order that you want them to occur. Then use the Edit Wpt Orders in the Settings drop-down window to check them. I have found this to be kind of clunky so I didn't use it a lot, other than to delete a waypoint action. With helos and S3 Vikings, you might be able to mimic your desired behavior using the Mission and/or Formation Editors. In Mission, set up a patrol ASW mission and configure your reference points along either side of your desired patrol path (along where you would otherwise place your waypoints for the aircraft). You can't designate individual dipping points, but this should work pretty well. In the Formation Editor you might even be able to manually set up waypoints within a patrol zone, although it's been awhile since I've used the Formation Editor. You have to remember to go to the pre-game settings and disable the auto-formation editor or the game settings will override anything you do there. I also check it in Game Preferences soon as I load the scenario to make sure--sometimes you have to uncheck it there as well. Good luck.