cj91con -> Bug? New Issue (2/16/2019 4:48:04 AM)
Hi everybody, I have a strange problem, and I was thinking it might be a bug, or maybe something changed and I am not up-to-date. So, I am playing for over 1 year, and usually I am creating my own scenarios (missions), ("create new blank scenario"), and I am playing with both sides, even one is more based on predefined missions made by me (ASW patrol,ASUW, etc). A few days ago, I saw that the two opposite sides, are practically not seeing one to each other. No ports, no radars, no airfields, no plans, no ships..nothing..even I set as "auto detectable" or trying anything, satellites, etc. It is strange because I changed nothing at the settings, I didn t change the PC, no recent updates, nothing, tried with different DB, same result. So I staretd a few new blank scenarios to test the situations...and everything I did, same result..I put enemy planes above the radars...all with active EMCON ...nothing..radars are not seeing the planes, no matter the distance, planes not seeing radars, nothing to see, nothing to attack..but they are there, because enabeling GOD s Eye I can saw them all, on both sides. I don t want to speak about all the details, but I re-install the game today and same thing, try playing on CMANO Basic, on Chains of War, same situations on this scenarios made by myself. They are not playable because the enemies are not seeing one to each other.Tried Omniscient, tried neutral or friendly, or hostile...same situation...al kind of tricks..nothing. Most important, I do not did something different in missions creation, no new settings,, no changes on my computer, no updates, exactly the same path I was following a few days,a few months ago.. So, I am asking, it s bug, a mistake of mine, or sometihing is not working properly on this part of the game and maybe it is a solution. UPDATE: Well, after a few re-installing of the game, I noticed that if one side is neutral to the other and the other is friendly,the neutral will see the friendly...only this combination works, but definetly is not from my PC system..something seems to not work properly in this setting of the game.I hope it s a bug, and a solvable one. UPDATE 2: I disable steam overlay and other suggestions, but it's the same thing.I use a windows 7 32 bts, but I have no updates, nothing change, and the same situation, the only posibility to see the counter-part, is one side friendly, one side neutrally.And the friendly suddenly see the other side units (in green).Very disappointed...Beautiful Game Unplayable. Update 3.It seems taht even in pre-defined missions I can t see the enemy.So, everything is very not functioning.I checkd with a colleague, for him everything seems to work, I am curios if other colleagues experience the same situation. UPdate 4.I try to validate files of CMANO...2 missing...solved...try to play, same problem..I check files again..2 missing....solved...open the game tried to play..same problem..closed the game, validated files..2 missing...and so, and so..so seems a deeper problem here.