msvknight -> Pressing in Australia? (6/17/2001 5:23:00 PM)
Is there any possibility of you giving someone a licence to press Matrix CDs in Australia. You probably haven't noticed in the USA, but your dollar has been incredibly strong against the rest of the world's currencies. In the last year it has gone from $2 US to $3 Australian to $1 US to $2 Australian. Now don't get me wrong, I am happy to contribute to Matrix, but its keeping the US Postal Service afloat that bothers me. I have had to decide to pass on the Mega campaign disk because the $17.50 US postage cost is prohibitive.
As I see it this could be fixed by a SOuth Pacific licence. I was wondering if anyone else in the world was finding this to be a problem. I find myself wanting to buy the mega campaign disks, but having to hang on until Uncommon Valor and War in the Pacific (both of which I would pay anything for so it ceases to be an issue) are released.
Hoping this is a reasonable question.