Gumby3D -> A quick question regarding tracers... (6/18/2001 1:25:00 AM)
Hay there,
Um my mate and I had a 1v1 game of Sudden-Strike the other night, Germans vs Russians, ack he stomped me... I just couldn't get those panzers through the forest fast enough...
ANYHOW! I forgot to turn on my screenshot taker (I try and have it one everytime I play SuSt cause it's a very pretty game) but I managed to get a pretty decent screenshot (using trusty old print screen of course) of the Russians emerging from the woods and I decided to spruce it up a little and well I went a smidge overboard and I turned it into a night time shot. It looks great but the thing is there was one tracer shot in the picture and it looked great when I messed around with it and I though well hmm, I should add some more, now just curious, IIRC MG's had tracers but did submachine guns or rifles? I know they do now, but way back in the day I'm a little foggy about... Any help would be much appreciated!