slickandjake -> ELO Ranking Games and Results Reporting (3/15/2019 1:12:34 PM)
Please post any games you have completed and results of SC World at War here which I will use to calculate the ELO ranking on a new thread I will call "Official ELO Ranking". Please provide the following information: Campaign, i.e. 1939 World at War Campaign The two players and which side each player is playing, or played The result of the match, i.e. Axis Decisive/Major/Minor/Tactical victory, or Allied Decisive/Minor victory I will take any games you have played up to this point if you know the results. We are on our honor system here, and anybody caught giving false reports will be kicked out. If there are any disputed results, I will want a screen shot of the "My Games" section with the cursor over the game so I can see the result in the screen shot.