Hubert Cater -> MOD in game implementation - Announcement (3/19/2019 6:18:53 PM)
In the next update, we will introduce the ability to easily turn on and off graphical, sound, localization mods etc. in game. The nice thing about this new in game feature is that players will no longer need to overwrite any default files and will simply need to place a properly formatted grahpical mod in the appropriate USER Mods folder. NOTE: None of this applies to custom campaign mods as those will continue to work as they currently do. Mod packages that simply include modified graphics, sounds as well as possibly localization text, that will overwrite the game defaults, must be formatted to the following folder structure and installed to the USER Mods folder in order for the game to properly locate and read the modified files. Example: Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War\Mods\<modfoldername> Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War\Mods\<modfoldername>\Bitmaps Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War\Mods\<modfoldername>\Interface Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War\Mods\<modfoldername>\Sound Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War\Mods\<modfoldername>\localization.txt Mod packages that also include modifications to the default campaigns can be installed here as well. Example: Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War\Mods\<modfoldername> Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War\Mods\<modfoldername>\Campaigns Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at War\Mods\<modfoldername>\Campaigns\_1939 World at War Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Strategic Command WWII - World at Ware\Mods\<modfoldername>\Campaigns\_1939 World at War\Bitmaps For an example of a proper grahpical mod folder structure that can easily be dropped into the game, please refer to IronX's custom graphical mod for World at War found here: In game turning on or off a graphical mod will look like this where the mod folder name will be listed in the Mod selection screen: [image][/image]