rustysi -> RE: OT: USCGC Icarus brings the first German POWs of WW2 into the US (4/6/2019 5:08:43 PM)
the perjorative term "Puddle Pirates" C'mon Spence, there're 'nicknames' for every branch of the service. Me I'm a 'ground pounder'... Add the rest if you like.[:D] I must admit I didn't know of that particular name for 'Coasties' for quite some time. It was told to me by a 'Coastie', and is one of my favorites. Here's a neat little story I have about the CG. While I was in HS back in the day many young guys went to join the CG before being drafted. Figured it'd get them out of Nam.[8|] Well none of them asked whose coast they might be guarding. Myself, as a youngen', I used to read the paper. Now don't get me wrong, it was mostly the sports section, but I at least browsed the rest. Well one feature just behind the sports was a weekly POW list. Used to see, to my surprise, lots of 'Coasties' in there, and that made me do some research. Oh, riverboats in the 'Delta', yeah, no thanks.[:(] So, I get it, all branches of service had their elements of danger. Doesn't mean we can't poke fun at each other. Does it?[:)] Hell, I'll even go one further. I was in that greatest of oxymoron's, 'Military Intelligence'.[:'(]