Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (7/16/2019 8:00:26 PM)
Rail move France rail Bordeaux MIL to 56,32 with HQ. Land move USSR Mongol CAV 5 along rail line SE Zhukov to 51,154 5-4 with zhukov to 51,154 6-6 ARM to 59,160 AT gun near Blag 2 hex SW NatChi CAV from Angkang 2 hexes SW 81,135 3-3 INF in 82,136 to 84,137 (disorganized) Units in/near Chihkiang: HQ one hex west 4-2 INF from 86,139 to Chihkiang Peking MIL from 87,138 to 86,139 Shanghai MIL from 87,138 to 86,138 France MECH from 53,31 to 54,31 with HQ AT gun from 53,31 to 53,30 with ARM MOT from Lille to 53,30 with ARM CW GAR and HQ to Lille This is the moment I realized CW transporters are in Plymouth with their cargo, not in box 3 on North Sea. I need to redo this impulse from naval move, but I have no time today. Good night to all!