Subchaser -> Re: Transport exp. Any effect? (6/24/2003 6:13:03 AM)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by pertsajakilu [B]Hi! Is there any significane of AK and AP exp ratings. They are quite low. Do anybody know what happens if values go over 50 or 70. Jap killer transports which sink DDs with their guns. :-) Does it affect in any way e.g. loading speeds, sub avoidance ..... Arto [/B][/QUOTE] Experience does not affect loading speeds, this is parameter of ship class and port size, not of particular ship, ship with high experience has the same speed as inexperienced ship of the same class, this is technical parameter. What AP experience really affect is AP’s chance to survive in combat, transports with high experience have more chances to avoid bombs and torpedoes and use its artillery more often and more deadly. So if you’re creating invasion TF, pick up only most experienced transport for this job