grand final game A mirror australian pbem tourney pbhawkins usa v mother ger 7/44 fr. (Full Version)

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MOTHER -> grand final game A mirror australian pbem tourney pbhawkins usa v mother ger 7/44 fr. (6/23/2003 6:47:00 PM)

We are awaiting the onslaught that we now face from the usa now that they have established the Normandy beachead. The preparations that have been practiced will now be applied for the battle through the bocage or maybe not?.We shall see.colonel mother;)

MOTHER -> there comming! (6/24/2003 8:11:13 PM)

The US has started the attack with the customary mortar smoke barrage screening the shermans advance with engineers riding shot gun. It looks as if its going to be the least line of distance to the objectives [all within the town].
Nothing extraordinary,no shots ,simple and straightforward.;)

pbhawkin1 -> USA turn 1 (6/25/2003 6:02:39 AM)

I have called you all here to finally let you in on our plans for the final push into Nazi Germany!
We have assembled you and your Commands for the purpose of securing the village to our immeadiate front in order to deny the enemy it's use for a flanking counter-attack on our main forces.
This will be a set- piece attack with covering smoke to screen our movements (although division has been particulary mean with it's allocation of arty this time round, probably needed for main attack). Your usual forces will have some attachments, mainly recon elements, to assist in weeding out those bloody tenacious German defenders. We await news on if airsupport will be available although this appears unlikely.
There have been reports that the Germans are using Volkstroops to bolster up the defence but we have also received reports that SS units may be in the area as well. As with everything these days gentlemen caution, trust nothing you hear and shoot first ask questions later!
More detailed orders and info will be forthcoming.
Move out!

Col pbhawkin

pbhawkin1 -> USA turn 2 (6/28/2003 10:52:21 AM)

Gentle men,
so far so good.
we are proceeding along our axis of advance and have had no contact with the enemy, as yet. The smoke screen seems to be working to confuse him as to our avenues of approach as well as to our force composition.
As yet little in the way of intel on him either though!!
We believe that he will probably stick to the usual (horribly bloody) house to house street fighting. If that is the case then as this village only contains mostly wooden houses our B-17s will soon raise it to the ground!
We will report soon with expected intel on his force composition and deployment.

Keep going and good luck

COL pbhawkin

MOTHER -> smokin' along (6/28/2003 2:45:10 PM)

The US axis of advance seems to be two fold,both from the west ,firstly along the railway,secondly along the road leading into the town parrallel to the railway.A very cautious commander has fired smoke everywhere along each axis of advance, a brief which must have included every tank commander.
The weather is good so the expected air superiorriy of the USAF is expected to come into play at sometime .
Currently no shots, only observation by both sides.:p

pbhawkin1 -> USA turn 3 (6/30/2003 6:08:49 AM)

Slow but steady is the word.
Intel reports that the enemy have sighted the occassional unit through the smoke but at this stage has no real idea as to what is happening (lets hope we do!).
As yet no contact with his forces.
We suspect that he has some recon South of the river and in some of the fields and forests to the Southwest, also probably either observers or emplaced units in the outskirts of the town.
I leave it to your discretion in how you deal with these elements, but remember our timetable!
Division has reported that with the weather clearing and no sign of the Luftwaffe air assets are becoming available to support other advances, including our own. So, with that in mind continue with operation 'Village Freedom' amendment 'B'.
Expect contact with enemy forces by turn 6 if all goes well and engagement by turn 8.

Good luck


MOTHER -> first shots (6/30/2003 4:26:32 PM)

The americans today a very cautious.smoke and more smoke to cover the approaches along thge said axis of advance.Some HE artillary softening up the western outskirts of the town.
As was recointered during our hasty defensive setup a vantage point on a hill to the NNW of the town, was as suspected utilized by a scout element m4a3 76[w] sherman which got a nice german reception.
To the SW rangers have been caught in the open near a bridge and have been pinned by accurate arty:D
The longer the advance takes the better off we will be in the long run.Time is his enemy!

pbhawkin1 -> USA turn 4 (7/4/2003 8:58:26 AM)

Reports from our forces indicate that the advance is proceeding as planned.
Some infantry units in the Southern area have received scattered arty fire in their vicinity without casualties.
A recon vehicle, in the North, has received a few (about 3-4) off target shots by a 75mm Pak40 at range 19 hexes as well as some 105mm and 81mm arty at range 29 hexes.
Further recon armour has located and displaced an enemy squad, causing a few casualties, in the centre.
We continue to proceed with our advance and soon will begin the shakout for phase 2 once the LUP and departure lines are reached.

Carry on
Col Pbhawkin

MOTHER -> probes and artillary:US order of the day! (7/4/2003 5:12:29 PM)

As expected the forward elements of the US along the second axis of advance begin the probe on the southern outskirts of the village.A M16 MGMC Foraged too close and was despatched with accurate 81mm morter fire, crew running home back to Brooklyn.
JA JA I SEE HIM!, SGT. Weber gunned the throttle of the STUG into defliade.Right Hans its up to you!, as the kwkL 75mm was pointing at the rear of the sherman.FIRE! but the target is missed!Weber fired the mg at the passanger dismounting the M4A3.Meanacingly the turret turned to face them.In the cabin space it was the 3 stooges, everything was going wrong.WHIZZZZZZ! was heard as the breach was closed.Weber screamed fire!,fire!, fire!whilst gunning down the sniper dismounted from the tank.The pressure was on, and the second salvo left the nozzle ending with a thud into the earth.The enemy belched forth another salvo missing to the relief of the crew furiously loading shot #3.Hans its our last chance,you've got time, get it right .BOOM!!! and all Hans was thinking was" I wish I remember that projectile motion equations instead of that HI /HO= SI/SO STUFF.The rest of the crew looked and looked:still there!!.TO BE CONTINUED :eek:

pbhawkin1 -> peter's USA turn 5 (7/7/2003 7:20:32 AM)

It is with regret that we hear over the wireless that Sgt Weber and his gunner Hans have paid the ultimate price for their country....all because Hans couldn't remember that he needed to hit the enemy in order to destroy the enemy!! (His fellow crew members will give him a roasting once they arrive in hell).

Recon elements are reporting some enemy units engaging our forces. We believe that we have come up against their screening forces in front of the village as well as what may be a armoured element off to the Southern flank.
The above mentioned Stug (and crew) were despatched with first shot from 76mm M4A3. They also report seeing an early PzJg in the vicinity but have failed to locate it as yet.
We regret to inform that our probe of the M16 MGMC to the Southern edge of the village has been destroyed but it did manage to engage the two 81mm morters hidden in two seperate houses and report their location. We have since engaged them and suppressed them as well as causing a number of casualties to them.
The M4 that had engaged the Ge rifle squad previously has become immobilised and will remain there as covering fire whilst we continue on.
A M36 was assaulted and destroyed in close vicinity to the previous mentioned M4 (I knew I shouldn't have moved next to that bit of forest, I had this feeling....!). The Enemy squad remains in location at this point of time.
Our other forces have continued with the advance.
Artillery has started to engage suspected and known enemy observer positions as well as continue with the barrage of the village.
A lone Fw 190 made a bombing run and was suppressed and maybe damaged by our forces abd thankfully only caused 2 casualties. Hopefully the pilot will forget what he had seen by the time he gets home!
We still expect (as stated previously) to start to contact the enemy proper in another turn (or so) and once all units are at their LUPs will cross the LOD en mass and sweep into the village from these points here, here and here.


MOTHER -> german counter (7/7/2003 3:37:40 PM)

Mortar platoon that destroyed the m16 scout has come under heavy arty fire 105mm as well as the western outskirts of the town.The americans obviously not pleased.
The Luftwaffe has come home to base with valuable intell after a successful mission
A stug hiding in cover despatches a zealous m4a3 76w from 250 meters.:)
Orders are at a premium with FO deciding priorities.:(
Shermans are establishing theselves at the southern approaches to the town with AFV's of both combatants trying to outmaneuver their opposite number.:eek:
--------------------------------------------------------- MEANWHILE IN HELL
"Hans ,you will write on the neverending blackboard the proof for projectile motion equations':eek:
"Weber, you learn to parrallel park a Stug IIIg between two kubelwagons for eternity" :eek:

pbhawkin1 -> peter USA t6 (7/10/2003 6:54:44 AM)

An interesting turn.

To the South of the village a m4 in the field was destroyed by Stug40 fire and assaults from adjacent 81mm morter!
I moved another M4 75mm up to see if he could return the favour, only to find that the Stug had crept closer!! He (must be either Hans reincarnated or his brother) got the first shot off but missed:) My M4 also missed :( but hit with MG fire. 2 further shots by the Stug40 all missed including all his MG fire!!:D Whilst I at least hit him but no damage:( all at 2 hex range!
I then moved a M4A3 76 up to support above 75mm and fired 3 shots, 2 hits no damage:mad:

A wirbelwind made a brief appearance and fired at another 76mm M4 but caused no damage before running away:)

I located and destroyed a rifle squad hiding in some woods (with no loss) :D BUT then thinking that it was the squad that had killed my M36 last turn moved another M36 in and was promptly destroyed by the original (hiding) rifle squad:mad: :mad:

A further rifle squad and MG42 were destroyed in the south west approaches (remnants of platoon above).:)

It was at this stage that I noticed that the game said turn 6 of 10!!!!!!!!!!!! in what I thought was a 20 turn game!!!!:eek:
So I rushed a few armoured units forward into the town :o :o
Luckily I managed to locate and destroy 2 engineer squads with no losses as well as locate and smoke 2 Pak 40s to the North also with no loss:eek:

Arty is doing a good job of suppressing some of his units in and around the town.

I have spotted a hetzer in the town and am aware of another 1 or 2 Stugs as well as 3 to 4 of his arty parks.

If the game doesnt finish on turn 10 I am confident that I will have the time and capability to seize the town and hold it.

German losses 2 rifle squads and a MG42, 2 engineer squads plus a few casualties by Z firing at buildings and by arty.
USA a M36 Jackson :mad:


MOTHER -> under pressure (7/10/2003 9:55:50 PM)

Everythings going wrong!breakdowns ,94% misses, it wasnt the best of exchanges in the shootouts,err not looking too good!

:confused: mother

MOTHER -> Can't take a trick (7/14/2003 4:51:40 PM)

Well ,the amerikans have have entered the western district and penetrated beyond in one or two isolated pockets.
Strategically placed armour has had little luck in obtaining a decicive outcomes eventhough the units are more than capable.
The infantry are now showing signs of strain as the combined 60mm and 155mm HE takes its toll.Oppotunities were there to assault vulnerabe US units however luck is not with them with the enevitable retaliation taking its toll.:(
Luftwaffe came into play again but a lucky hit buy a m16 aa unit evened the score with a flameout and crash into the fields beyond the sotheast of the town.It hasnt ben one for the germans this battle.:rolleyes:

pbhawkin1 -> Peter USA turn 7 (oops slightly out of sequence) (7/14/2003 5:15:59 PM)

Due to increased time constraints we have had to push our schedule forward!! :o
With our armour well and truly in the Western areas of the village we are suffering some casualties but inflicting some hurt on the defenders as well.
We have taken 4 Vhs in the town only another 20 or so to go:eek:
We lost a M16 AA to a concerted DF attack from a hetzer (which missed) :) and one of those bloody 81mm morters :mad:
A M4A1 was destroyed by close assault from engineers as it attempted to move up on a suppressed Pak40 in the North and another was abanoned in a similar circumstance. But the crew then proceded to retreat into the hex containing the enemy :mad: this resulted in them being lost to friendly fire :mad: :mad: :mad: eventually as I had to destroy the enemy unit!
A tense duel between a Stug 40 and 75mm M4 resulted in misses from the Stug :) but no damage to the Stug either :( .
Units supprted by inf finally took out the remaining GE inf squad in the centre.
@ M36 Jacksons engaged 2 wirbelwinds and the above Stug with no damage to themselves and 1 destroyed Flak :D
Another wirbelwind was caused to be abandoned :) .

Enemy casualties destroyed were:
1 x MG42
1 x Ge Eng FlameThrower
3 x Ge Engineers
2 x Ge rifle squads
wirblewind and 1 x wirblewind abandoned
1 x 81mm morter
1 x Stug 40 (well its crew anyway)

See you at tonights briefing and good luck


MOTHER -> into the grinder (7/17/2003 9:31:26 PM)

The US probes into the far reaches of the town were stymied, replused or the enemy eliminated.
US and german artillary have pounded the cenral and western districts of the town respectively,german calibres are smaller and more accurate whilst the GI's stick with the 155mm area coverage.
american armor is now on the southern outskirts of the town.however infantry support seems to be lacking and they are reluctant to press the numerical advantage-lest german artillary stalling the advance as has occoured in the western part of the town.
The americans have been replused/stalled with a combination of stug 40g ,engineers,whirblewinds,hetzers,rifle amd 81/120mm motars, deceptivly mobile pak 40/75mm with 75mm OB arty.
The above cocktail has been quite potent, however it has been heard over the crystal sets that the american commander PB HAWKINS has been quite fond of our mortars:D
Enigma decoder intercepting US comms has shown that the pressure being applied by our forces is beginning to take its toll as messages seem to be lagging from the real time events thus showing a lsack of flexability. :p
NOTE:it is unfortunate to report the loss of our preminent FO ,who unfortunatly succumbed to a vicious raid by 5 ! x ranger squads at the centrally based highpoint Chateu de CrespinanY, whose intell was quite valuable, in determning the axis of the enemys attack[despite the smoke],force compesition and enemy comm intercepts.
The enigma machine has been destroyed as it was one of the new 5 rotar interchangable types, quite useless, unless you have the opposite enigma of the same configuration:rolleyes:

pbhawkin1 -> peter USA turn 8 (7/18/2003 9:03:00 AM)

(Out of sequence again!! :) )

We are bogging down in house to house fighting with only our armour available while we wait for the infantry to come up!
Time constraints from higher up have forced us to be less cautious.
We really only lost a m16 AA and 75mm sherman during his turn for the price of a Fw 190-f and what was previously posted :D .

In the South rangers have advanced to a position where they destroyed 2 x 81mm morters and a FO :). Again the 75mm field arty in the high (height 49) building to the Southwest is throwing long range harrasing fire at whatever it can with little effect :) .
Our armour in the South have destroyed a Stug 40 and wirbelwind as well as routing a second wirbelwind :) for no loss :D . We have also advanced into the Southern edges of the village taking a few Vh's and mauling a Ge rifle squad in the process. No sign of the 'cat and mouse' Hetzer :confused: maybe he is so suppressed by the arty fire that he's received!!:)
In the North we have consolidated our gains and are routing out hidden squads in nearby houses with direct fire from armour units.
Another Ge rifle squad has been eliminated as well as a further one exposed along with one of his Pak40's which took out a M16AA by op fire :mad:
Arty continues to suppress his defenders and hopefully delay further reinforcements.

Lets roll

pbhawkin1 -> peter USA t9 (7/19/2003 12:57:59 PM)

Penultimate turn.
We are slowly pushing forward from the West into the town and coming across ragged squads on eng and inf as well as an increasing number of armour.
In the North we destroyed a wirbelwind :) and blinded a Pak40, as well as located some squads hiding in the outskirts of the town.
In the centre our M36 jackson that had 'retreated' towards the enemy through the town was destroyed (finally) by close assault after being suppressed :( . We also lost a M16 aa to close assault :(.
In return we destroyed a hetzer with a M36 after it crashed through a house 2 hexes away and caught them napping:D
we also destroyed a eng and rifle squad in the town as well as routing another.
In the South we engaged another hetzer without luck:p (it was suppressed from our arty fire;) .
We also destroyed a MMG42, stug G and crew all without loss:D
In the fields to the South we destroyed another wirbelwind (he must have been expecting those B-17s to turn up:D :D ) and the remnents of a rifle squad.
We have captured about 1/3 of the VH and should have about 1/2 by next turn.
A final act was another (the third so far) attack by an FW-190-f which destroyed a M4 (ronson) with cannon fire :mad:
I believe that our arty as well as avenues of approach have resulted in him being spread thin and confused as to where to defend. This is allowing us to focus on the mission and not get sidetracked with chasing his units around;)

Losses this turn:
USA: M4, M36, M16
GERMANY: 2 x wirbelwind, StugG, Hetzer, MMG 42
Ge Eng squad, 2 x Ge rifle squads.

I believe the last turn is coming up!!!!!!:(

Col. Pbhawkin

MOTHER -> US numerical superiority (7/22/2003 4:29:26 PM)

The town is still being shelled by the US arty with the150mm and 4.2" mortars.All the "area "shelling has had none to minimal effects over the course of this battle with the german tactics antcipating this from the beginning of the battle.:p
The german command however has been surprised at the lack of air support shown by the allies and the whirblewinds at our disposal unfortunately have not had an oppourtunity to be as effective as hoped,in hindsight AFV armour would definately have been more useful .:(
Well placed artillary parks [81/120 mm mortars] have benefitted from their placements to the east and southeast of the town in the bocage/farmhouses with the accurate targetting of key US thrusts by spotting infantry ;mortar units have largely been unmolested bar commander pb hawkins favorites :)
The Luftwaffe[FW190's ]has been quite useful ,although not decisive.:)
Overall the deciding factor has been the aggressive use of US armour en masse upon entry into the town.98% of all german infantry class casualties/suppression has been from the "Z fire" from these units.:mad:
The inexperienced units at the disposal of the germans didn't factor into the equations greatly,it was disappointing that few well sited experinced units[hans&co.]failed to capatilize on the "gifts" early on,otherwise i feel the southern axis of US assault would not have been as succesful as has been. :mad: :mad: :mad:Them the breaks.
Last turn comming up with a few surprises install for all, stay tuned;)

pbhawkin1 -> USA t10 (7/22/2003 6:52:31 PM)

I may have to finish this report tomorrow...but here goes!

Inf have moved into the centre of the town taking a VH or two. Armour have also continued to enter wooden (and occassionally) stone buildings in order to take VHs.
The crew of above hetzer (now abandoned) along with a supporting wirblewind (that make 6 i think) were destroyed. A nearby routed eng squad was reduced by 6 men but still clings to life :) !!
A mmg42 which op fired on a ranger squad (with no casualties) was destroyed in the north.
A MMG42 and eng squad in the Eastern centre of town were also destroyed after they op fired on just too many ranger squads (causing only 2 casualties):D
AGAIN a FW 190-F attacked the 4 or 5th time this game :MAD: but luckily targeted a immobilised M4 without success :EEK:

With time pressing and our mission objectives clear, we have had no choice but to use aggressive tactics.
THE only thing that mattered in our plan from the start was to occupy the town and take the VH's!!:)
Of course the secondary objective was to destroy as many enemy units as possible. Points at the end are what count towards victory.
We have managed to take about 480 points worth of VH's to his 210. I feel that we also have the edge in units destroyed points as well.
I felt that he would expect the USA to have a lot of air and so I purposely didn't pick any :cool: , hoping (as was the case) that he would waste points on AA, (which despite being fairly good against inf and some armour was NOT as scary as more inf or armour) :D Anyway, air can't take VH or occupy ground!!
Arty, I feel although not suppressing as many enemy units (see Mothers comments) as I may have wished, still did pretty much what I hoped in clearing a path by both hiding my units from him (smoke) and suppressing his units to some degree in the town or denying their approach to the town :).
I was happy to see that he had spread his force out :D (lack of concentration of force) and that meant that I only had to engage them if they came between me and my objectives.
I knew where his 75mm IEg guns were from turn 2-3 but as they weren't causing any disruption to my units, except for one ranger unit (same unit suppressed on two seperate occassions) then they weren't affecting my plan.

I look forward to exchanging passwords and discussing the quite different styles (well at least in these 2 games) of Mother and myself with Kokoda, Klinkhoffen and Mother of course :D !


pbhawkin1 -> Losses for t10 (7/23/2003 5:24:25 AM)

just to add losses for this turn:

abandoned hetzer crew
another wirblewind!
2 x MMG42s
1 x eng squad
2 x eng squads routed (losing 6 and 3 men each)

ranger squad losing 2-3 men (opfire his turn)

also recon has had 81mm morters located in field to South of town, guarded by another wirblewind, since first M4 arrived in the area. But as they also have only been harrassing (except for a close assault on aforementioned M4 :o ) I have left them alone....... until now ;)


MOTHER -> game end (7/24/2003 11:44:46 AM)

The numerical superiorority of the US army in the end was just too great.The town had been reduced to rubble with 2/3rds of the flags captured by US forces.
attrittion rates for both sides was roughly equal bar men,3:1 us favour.the game in the end was a draw.with 700pts seperating the combatants.
in a 10 turn game there was nothing fancy just delay/get those flags ASAP.
German artillary was out of harms way bar a few units and strategic placement away from the objectives certainly kept losses down to a minimum:)
usually us air causes havoc with troops however it was on the other foot for a change with 2 units of FW 190 causing the disruption to the advance:D it was a wise decsion to leave those units appearance until 1/2 way through the battle where the US AA had been preoccupied and or eliminated.
Whirblewinds in the end were just target practice for the enemy in a game where i had expected considerably more US artillary and air units[2 x platoons WHIRBLEWINDS, 8 units total ].
initally whirblewinds had deployed to the west/south west of the town protecting the mortar parks and 6 units of armour [4 stug 40's, 2 hetzers].

Klinkenhoffen -> Final Scores (7/24/2003 12:35:06 PM)

of the combined games

pbhawkins 5667 points
Mother 4637 points

Thanks to all involved.

pbhawkin1 -> observations (7/25/2003 12:10:46 PM)

hi guys.
Well, Firstly I really enjoyed all the games played (and not because I won;) ).
It was my first experience with C&C and I feel it adds a whole lot more to the experience than "standard" play. It gives you a commanders feeling of frustration at NOT being able to do what they would like with their troops due to various reasons (orders not getting through; orders being misunderstood; enemy action preventing them from being carried out; etc).
The only hiccup was the retreat/reinforcement hexes being on the wrong side of the map. This caused us both to lose units as they retreated towards the enemy when routed :mad:
It was also my first time playing as the USA and so some of my choices may have been better (must remember to get more M9 bazookas, more M9s, more M9s... also some flame and flail tanks for the future) :)

Looking at Mothers setup/first turn I can certainly understand his rationale for both the units he chose and how they were deployed. I do however feel that the wirbelwinds (8 of them) were excessive as in the end I had NO air, BUT they are a very good compromise as they can tear apart inf and air as well as light tanks and ACs. I wonder what would have happened if I did have say 2 typhoons or Mitchells or P-51s?
I would be interested to REALLY know how effective my arty was as Mother's propaganda suggested that it hardly suppressed anyone :confused: BUT looking at the units in the town I note he had about 2 platoons in the Western edge of town that would have come under fire and in the last 3-4 turns his inf and armour in the Eastern side of town must have also been hit!! Can you fill me in on how it was?
I think that as a defender of a town he made a big mistake in not having ANY mines (maybe a fatal mistake?) and had too many expensive mobile assets (2 x hetzers, 4 or 6 stugs, 8 x wirblewinds and 2 FW 190-F8) and not enough infantry or Paks. Inf in close fighting are more than a match for armour and attacking inf (or should be), and AT guns although vulnerable can (should) take out at least 1 to 2 tanks out before they are destroyed.
Certainly his FW 190s did very well. I think I lost 2 x M4s, 1 or 2 M16AAs and a M36 to them in exchange for one shot down.

My biggest mistake was NOT realising, before about turn 5, that I only had 10 turns and NOT 20 turns (I'm still sure that I set it up as a 20 turn game! although I can't believe that it would change the number of turns by that amount either!) in order to complete my mission :mad: :mad: :mad: This really rushed me and as I didn't have transport for my inf the armour had to do most of the work :o !
I had a major piece of bad luck with my M36 retreating into the town and being destoyed the next turn, but Mother had two bits of bad luck! Firstly POOR old Hans and his Stug (just too much brain work to figure out those ballistic and projectile calculations at gunnery school eh??) BUT, another Stug in the field to the South of town also missed 3 opfire shots at 2 hexes from my surprised 75mm M4! Maybe Stugs aren't so great after all?
In fact I don't think I lost any armoured unit to German armour :eek: It was all from close assaults and aircraft!

I'm sure there is lots more to add so lets here some comments/critisisms or questions.

peter hawkins
AKA COL pbhawkin

pbhawkin1 -> Is anyone out there? (8/6/2003 7:18:49 AM)

Just got back from a weel away.
Are none of the Australian tourny members (Mother, Kokoda or Klink) interested in discussing tactics, stratergies, force selection or next Saturdays tattslotto numbers???:confused:

Anyway, I am away for 7 weeks on exercise (this Friday), back early October.


Klinkenhoffen -> (8/10/2003 11:48:46 AM)

Sorry Peter,

Been up in Canberra and Sydney for a week.

I have not responded because I don't think that I have the depth of knowledge to analyse others. Particulary if I havn't played that game.

I hope that you enjoy your exercise.


Kokoda -> I've been away too (8/10/2003 7:11:37 PM)

I missed the action in the second game, but thought I sent you all a commentary on the first. I haven't had any response, so maybe I didn't send it.

I wrote commentary for the second game, to the point I left (turn 6 I think). I can send this if you like, and I'll add the next turns to it if you're interested.

For my two bob's worth...

As a general comment, I was struck by the very different tactics and 'styles' of play in the match. Tactically, pbhawkins had a more dispersed defence in depth along the likely line of attack, but was relatively open in the south, until the boundaries of the village. MOTHER's defence had a static infantry element concentrated in the village, and a 'counterattack' force. pbhawkins attack was broader, while MOTHER had a very concentrated axis of attack, strongly supported by heavy artillery.

I thought MOTHER's HUGE artillery would crush the German defence in the first game - but I think we were all surprised by the result.

In the second game, pbhawkins attack became very extended, with the armour pushing ahead of the infantry. It seemed as though it wasn't meeting the defence in depth that it appeared to be expecting...The 'short' game didn't really allow the cautious approach of the infantry.

Interestingly, at one stage both of pbhawkins HQs were routed at the same time - one by artillery, and one by an air strike!

Watching a mirrored game was interesting too - I thought each player had a defence that suited the tactics they had themselves used in attack. pbhawkins attack would deal well with his own dispersed defence in depth, while MOTHER's counterattack force would pin a concentrated attack against strong resistance from the infantry in the village.

As a general comment, I thought that the style pbhawkins used in the Grand Final had a more realistic 'military/historical' feel to it, while MOTHER used the advantages of the game mechanics a little more.

pbhawkin1 -> greetings (8/14/2003 1:37:57 AM)

Hi all.
well here I am out "beyond the black stump" doing it hard with only the occassional luxury like email and internet to keep me going. I am writing this from the CP tent whilst on radio picket at 0430 hrs.
Anyway, thanks Kokoda (and Klink) for your comments.
I think it is very valuable as a learning tool to have someone else critique you and your 'gaming style', it allows strengths and weaknesses to be pointed out that you may not have realised!
It was interesting for Kokoda to say that we each used a defence to stop the sort of attack that we each did! I would say that that was a weakness in my play!! I was encouraged to hear that I had a "realistic" type of play, this probably reflects 20 years in the army in numerous different positions (yes, including infantry and recon) and I am seeing how well the game portrays real world cases.

if only I had a copy of the game to play out here....the sound of passing Leopard 2's, ASLAVs and M113s would add immensly to the effects!!!!

catch you all later

somewhere in Queensland

Klinkenhoffen -> (8/21/2003 9:29:14 AM)

Having let the dust settle for a bit. I would have liked to see both the grandfinal games go for the 20 turns. I wonder how the outcomes would have changed?

Pbhawkins, I was interested in your comments on buying too expensive hardware for the job. i'll have to consider this into my force selection next game.

Kokoda and Pbhakins I am interested in your thoughts on Command and Control ON. There was alittle apprehension before the games about it. What do you think of it now? Would you play another game with it on?


MOTHER -> I was robbed! (8/21/2003 6:47:31 PM)

20 turns!,I had a heart attack when it was only 10!:D

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