Flashpoint: Germany (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Flashpoint Campaigns Series


mirrorshades -> Flashpoint: Germany (4/17/2019 7:44:44 PM)

I tend to like old games, and I also tend to have old computers that don't usually handle the bleeding-edge stuff very well. [8D]

I see the old FPG pop up on ebay from time to time. Question is, since I have the Germany Reforged expansion, is it worth picking up the original game as well? Or would it just frustrate me as a more primitive version of the current FPCRS since the scenarios have been ported up?

FPCRS works fine (except for a bit of a screen resolution issue), I'd just be curious to try out the predecessor as well.

CapnDarwin -> RE: Flashpoint: Germany (4/17/2019 8:04:30 PM)

FPG is a good game, but it is very different in many ways to what Red Storm is. With GR you have the jist of all the scenarios while running on a better game engine. In the end, it is your call, both games are enjoyable.

mirrorshades -> RE: Flashpoint: Germany (4/17/2019 11:02:55 PM)

Got it -- thanks!

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