Courtenay -> RE: Multiplayer PBEM Learning Game (Noobs Only) (4/22/2019 11:33:19 PM)
ORIGINAL: GenChaos33 Question: So when you start a Global War sceanrio. What playable nations/powers are at war(or soon will be)? I assume its Germany, BritCW(align Poland), Japan, China. Then(in few turns) France and Italy(force to join war?). Then many turns USSR then USA. SO maybe as stated above(slight change to keep as simple as possible), its best to do the following... NOTE: When I listed COLORS, I'm talking about the Game Border Color(NOT the counter colors). That way its easy to tell who's turn it is by the Game Border Color. Germany - ( GREY ) Brit/CW - ( DARK BLUE ) Japan - ( RED ) USA/China - ( DARK GREEN / both YELLOWs ) France/USSR - ( LIGHT BLUE / BROWN ) Italy - ( LIGHT GREEN ) On impulse one of the first turn, Germany declares war on Poland, and Japan and China are already at war. The CW and France declare war impulse two. Italy comes in when either it thinks it's a good idea, or that France and the CW think it a good idea to attack it. The USSR will generally come in in either 1941 or 1942, depending on whether the Germans go for a '41 Barbarossa or a close the Med stategy. Given ordinary play and luck, the US should come in in early '42. I have seen games where the luck has been anything but ordinary, and the US comes in in mid-41, or late '42. Don't think I've ever seen it take until '43, but I am sure it has happened to some unfortunate.