Do jammers create detectable emissions? (Full Version)

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fatgreta1066 -> Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/2/2019 2:39:24 PM)

Another way to ask this question would be, if I’m being jammed is there any way to determine where the jamming originated, either specifically or a general bearing to the jamming unit?



TwarVG -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/2/2019 2:47:07 PM)

Yes, jammers are detectable in the same way radar emissions are, although pinpointing their position is tricky.

Gunner98 -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/2/2019 2:56:51 PM)


if I’m being jammed is there any way to determine where the jamming originated, either specifically or a general bearing to the jamming unit?

Absolutely - you will see a red 'JAM' floating above the Jamming unit if you've managed to isolate it. Otherwise you will get a general error box around the unit but it will be easier for your sensors to first detect and then pinpoint the emitter.

All countered by the effect of the jamming, which will aid in preventing that sort of locating activity, so it is not an exact science and there are a lot of factors involved.

There have been some long and involved discussions on this subject and there are some very knowledgeable people on the forum who can give you a better answer.

StellarRat -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/6/2019 6:01:29 PM)

Absolutely. You only want to use active jamming if you're in a stand off situation OR you know you're detected or about to be detected. The rule of thumb is that a transmitter (jammer) can been seen at twice the distance (or more) of its effective range vs. a receiver that looking for it.

Zanthra -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/6/2019 8:44:50 PM)

Jammers cannot be localized by the radars they jam or Radar Warning Receivers, but only by ELINT equipment. Additionally, the ELINT equipment is not sufficient to produce weapons quality tracks for SAM or AAM launches. In some scenarios, the enemy has limited ELINT resources, and Jamming is very effective.

fatgreta1066 -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/8/2019 2:20:20 AM)

Well that is interesting. I've always wondered why the default setting for jamming wasn't always "on" but now I can see why. So if I'm following this right I can pick up on a pretty good general location for the jammer, and if I want to prosecute it I probably have to send fighters out that way to get a closer look? Until radars "burn through" the jamming (more on that later) then SAMs are useless?

I'm not sure if the term "burn through" is correct, I've heard that used somewhere. Am I right that if radars are being jammed that eventually units will be close enough to be detected regardless of jamming? Or is it something like if the radar has enough time it can figure out and defeat the jamming, regardless of distance?

DWReese -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/8/2019 2:46:28 AM)

Land-based jammers are usually mobile, and are placed around (or near) the targets that you intend on striking. So, they aren't usually your primary target.

Land-based jammers will usually become active as a strike approaches.

Land-based jammers will make it more difficult (if used correctly) for the strikers to pinpoint their targets.

After the strikers have acquired their targets (have advanced so close that they have "burned-through" the jamming), the jammers really provide no more support to the targets that they are helping to defend.

Land-based jammers affect enemy units individually. By that I mean, one striker could be jammed, but the others are now so close that the jamming now has no effect on that unit.

Strikes don't usually send strikers to attack jammers. Strikers are interested in destroying high-value targets as opposed to jammers that only exist to help defend the high-value target.

Hopefully, this is what you were talking about, and that it is of some use to you.


StellarRat -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/8/2019 6:24:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: fatgreta1066

Well that is interesting. I've always wondered why the default setting for jamming wasn't always "on" but now I can see why. So if I'm following this right I can pick up on a pretty good general location for the jammer, and if I want to prosecute it I probably have to send fighters out that way to get a closer look? Until radars "burn through" the jamming (more on that later) then SAMs are useless?

I'm not sure if the term "burn through" is correct, I've heard that used somewhere. Am I right that if radars are being jammed that eventually units will be close enough to be detected regardless of jamming? Or is it something like if the radar has enough time it can figure out and defeat the jamming, regardless of distance?

You're thinking correctly. From the little I've read about electronic warfare and my working with radios and electronics in general, I know that there are many types of jamming. Some can be "burned through" others simply put false images and position information on the screens of the enemy (so that would seem like something that can not be "burned through" since it looks "normal".) There are also ways to avoid having your radar emissions detected in the first place, like single pulse low power radar, etc, etc...and counter-jamming like frequency agile radar. Most of the information is classified for obvious reasons. Also, nowadays there are many means of detection besides radar that need to be considered like infrared, optical, lasers (LIDAR), and such...

Gunner98 -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/8/2019 8:52:12 PM)


put false images and position information on the screens of the enemy

I think that is straying into the cyber world vice EW Jamming. Don't think the game models cyber directly but you can create effects and events that do.


ARCNA442 -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/8/2019 9:45:45 PM)

Here's an excellent Navy training video from 1962 talking about the various different types of ECM:

I am curious if CMANO models the more complex forms of ECM however.

mikkey -> RE: Do jammers create detectable emissions? (5/8/2019 10:52:43 PM)

Interesting video ARCNA442, thanks for sharing.

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