Armored Brigade Campaign Generator Guide (Full Version)

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Daniele -> Armored Brigade Campaign Generator Guide (5/3/2019 12:00:38 PM)

This is an overview of the first iteration of the Armored Brigade Campaign Generator system. It and the original Battle Generator are built with the same design philosophy in mind: To have an easy way to generate an infinite amount of replayable content that can be shared with others.

It provides a context for the battles and adds more depth to gameplay by making use of the game’s features that some players might otherwise have overlooked.

The flexibility of the battle system that can handle almost any forces, locations, and other parameters is made use of by having units with tracked statistics, battle locations that are dictated by the outcome of the previous battle, and the time of day and the weather that keep changing during or between the battles. One strength of Armored Brigade is the enormous size of maps. They offer a myriad of unique and realistic locations, and when fighting over a piece terrain, even for several battles, its special characteristics become familiar and memorable.

The system tracks explosions and terrain fires, and these areas become destruction zones in the following battles. All this creates a sense of drama.

Let’s take a look at how a fresh campaign is generated, and how the transition between the campaign battles works.

IMPORTANT - The Campaign Generator tool comes with the free update that will be released along with the Nation Pack. It will be available both for the base game and the DLC.

Click on the Picture to read the document

Lowlaner2012 -> RE: Armored Brigade Campaign Generator Guide (5/3/2019 1:46:39 PM)

Looking good 😎

varangy -> RE: Armored Brigade Campaign Generator Guide (5/3/2019 3:30:30 PM)

Campaigns when? [:)]

Lowlaner2012 -> RE: Armored Brigade Campaign Generator Guide (5/3/2019 5:35:27 PM)

Thursday the 9th of may, along with the DLC...

kevinkins -> RE: Armored Brigade Campaign Generator Guide (5/4/2019 12:42:46 PM)

I think we can all appreciate that the generator will be free with the update. Thanks.

Monkie -> RE: Armored Brigade Campaign Generator Guide (5/5/2019 4:54:37 AM)

Just picked up AB and this I'm very much looking forward to along with the new DLC.

Werewolf13 -> RE: Armored Brigade Campaign Generator Guide (5/14/2019 7:48:11 PM)



Click on the Picture to read the document

Great update, especially the campaign generator. Much appreciated.

Except for one thing. The document cannot be printed a single page to a single page of paper. It's in that utterly inane 2 pages, side by side on a single printed page format. I've got a fairly advanced printer that can do most anything except convert the current document format to single page to single printed page format. I even converted the thing to Word and it basically told me to stuff it - well not really - but it didn't like it at ALL.

Please, PLEASE create a single page to single printed page format. I can't imagine I am alone in making this request.


kevinkins -> RE: Armored Brigade Campaign Generator Guide (5/24/2019 3:35:47 PM)

The new campaign system does have a traditional supply system:

"The campaign settings include several options:

• The ‘player supply’ option determines how many supply points the
player receives for refitting units and selecting support assets. The base
value depends on the player force size. The opponent force size is scaled
up in proportion to this value."

But in an individual battle you can't break through the enemy and go shoot up their supply trains like is often the goal in NTC/cold war scenarios.


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