Saulust -> Is setting Start of game Frozen units to REFIT a good idea? (5/5/2019 11:10:59 PM)
In many scenarios and especially in the Grand Campaign there are a few to quite a number of Divisions & Brigades that start off as Frozen. Some are set just for another turn or two, or for a short/medium/long term period or even until the end of game, such as the static German training divisions. Now while you generally can't change the Max TOE percentage setting, which would have been good if you wanted to save men & equipment replacements by reducing that to as low as 50% for HQs and to 20% on Divs/Bgds for example, but since you can not re-set Max TOE percentage on Frozen units you just can't do that. However I am wondering if you can try and go in the other direction in a manner of speaking, since you can actually change on these Frozen units their READY status to REFIT. I wonder about the benefit to the more sooner to be unfrozen Frozen Divs/Bgds by changing their status from READY to REFIT for them, apart from just prioritising them on the list for replacements over the rest of your vanilla READY combat units. If you consider the Grand Campaigne as the AXIS, the Germans, apart from the static training Divs, have 1 Panzer Korps (XIV) with a PzD & SS-Mot Div & there are another 3x Mot Inf Divs also two plain Corps Frozen in Poland, the XXXIV & XXXV with 6 IDs in total & the Lehr Bgd plus the 3 Corps 11th Army with 7 IDs in Romania, as well as the whole of the AXIS minor allies Armies completely. (Except for most of the Rumanian Airforce!) Most of these German mobile & IDs are starting at or nearly 100% of Max TOE, except the 239th ID at 89%, so I am wondering if setting them from READY status to REFIT does much over the one turn or two that they are Frozen for, other than placing them at the top of the 'request for replacements' list by resulting in a slight increase to their Experience or Morale, or mean that they demand the best of the actual replacement or something? That 239th ID is only at 70% in Experience & Morale... should setting it to REFIT for a turn or two while it is Frozen at 3 Hexes range away from Soviet ground units achieve much of a gain in more than just numbers of men & equipment such as also a rise in its experience & morale? Does setting the further back from the front Rumanian, Hungarian & Italian ground units from READY to REFIT status provide better results in improved experience & morale if you do that with Divisions that will unfreeze and arrive at the front in reasonable time frames rather than not changing the setting? If it is yes, and it is so that setting these further back Divs/Bgds to REFIT is a good idea in terms of not just ensuring they will eventually arrive at the front at full strength, but also with raised or improved Experience & Morale, how about all the rest of the Germans 11th Army & Rumanian 3rd & 4th Armies and all the Finns that start Frozen on the border next to the Soviets ground units, especially since the Finns will remain Frozen for a few turns, not one to two. Can REFIT on all them situated next to the Russian border forces work to their benefit too in a similar result? Also, what about all those Soviet units similarly Frozen against the Finns in the North and in the Odessa Military District against the Romanians for a turn or two, would switching from READY to REFIT status on them provide a slight Experience & Morale uplift benefit for them, apart from just replacements? How about all the Soviet units in the Caucasus region on the map, but Frozen at the start of the Grand Campaigne, most of these Divisions unfreeze during the 1st Winter when the Russians will really need them, but does changing their setting from READY to REFIT mean they will have developed even better levels of Experienced & Morale and thereby higher CV when they are free? I doubt it is a good idea to REFIT any Frozen until end of game units for the most part, but all or especially any that will soon unfreeze during the game I think it might be a good idea to set to REFIT which I have just started doing recently anyway, but I hope it has more of a beneficial effect other than just prioritising replacement for them... any thoughts?