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LordCucumber -> (7/1/2003 3:57:52 AM)

Things are worsening, but most of our defense perimeter is holding..

In the northwest the remaining soviet tanks retreat from the battlefield as they are needed to the southeast in the western defensive line...

Because there, in the western most section of the city, things are heating up. German troops have been seen advancing on the nearby railroadstation. A fixed gun, supported by nearby troops, has them pinned.. for now. A logpit on a hill nearby is threatened. The tank coming in from the north attempts to relieve it, but somehow the German troops are not impressed.

In the southwest of the city things become more complicated. The Russians have spotted two armored columns and manage to stop the one near the lake with a small counter attack. The second column is harrassed from the air with no real effect. This may become a problem eventually.

In the south section the defensive line is severely pressurized by German artillery. Yet the Russian troops remain in their positions, again for now...

In the southeast a logpit is threatened. These komrades cannot be assisted right now..

More reinforcements arrive..

M4Jess -> (7/1/2003 8:05:21 AM)

To both players..

As it should be.......:)

damm sissys:mad:


LordCucumber -> (7/1/2003 5:48:53 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by M4 Jess
[B]To both players..

As it should be.......:)

damm sissys:mad:

:p [/B][/QUOTE]

Explain yourself, Col. Housley! What is the meaning of this?!
[SIZE=1]Seriously... ummm.. what seems to be the trouble? I don't get it.. Sissy???..[/SIZE]

M4Jess -> (7/1/2003 6:07:47 PM)

Just kidding around....;)

LordCucumber -> (7/1/2003 6:13:02 PM)

Oh right.. [SIZE=1]don't worry I'm kicking his A$$.. sort of..[/SIZE] ;)

Losqualo -> (7/1/2003 8:55:08 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cyricist
[B]Oh right.. [SIZE=1]don't worry I'm kicking his A$$.. sort of..[/SIZE] ;) [/B][/QUOTE]

I'd like to say the same, but somehow my turn got lost somewhere :rolleyes: . Or maybe Cyr has already hit F9 ;) .

LordCucumber -> (7/1/2003 9:20:45 PM)

Do I have to resend it Friedrich?

Losqualo -> (7/1/2003 9:29:22 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cyricist
[B]Do I have to resend it Friedrich? [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes please. I haven't received it yet.

Losqualo -> (7/2/2003 1:55:01 AM)

My dear diary,

Col. Housley called me a sissy! As soon as I have liberated Hungary from the red hordes I shall teach him a lesson he won't forget so soon. Maybe I will even place him in a Sherman and hunt him with a Tiger.

The last two of the OKW's showvehicles were lost to still the same T-34. Maybe now they will start to send tanks instead of toys. Wherever the russian tanks attack, my lines crumble. Today I was even told they had a new super weapon that I've never heard of. HQ told me they are called OT-34/85 or something like that (Did those things really exist, or are they part of Cyr's personal set of OOB's? ;) )

In the NW sector we finally were able to make visible progress. A KV-85 and a T-34 were destroyed, only a log rifle pit (what else ? :rolleyes: ) still offers some resistance.

In the SW sector, another KV-1s crew was forced to leave their vehicle. Some Guard squads strolling through the streets were also taken care of.

In the central south sector we have problems though. Our front line is very thin and we lost a couple of Pz IV's and two Brummbärs to those pesky OT-34/85's. I hope I'll soon be able to reinforce our front there.

In the SE sector we finally destroyed that T-34, but scouts report another platoon of T-34's closing fast. And there's still no way around that big fortified house. At least we managed to blow up a house were a 7,62 cm At gun was hidden and this probably puts an end to this nuisance.

One of our squads still chews on another fortified house, but to no avail. But since the fort isn't able to fire at them, they can take their time.

LordCucumber -> (7/2/2003 4:27:46 AM)

In the north west a large group of armor and infantry takes on the lone rifflepit there. Unfortunately, as the Russian guards in the pit return fire, the structure is destroyed by massive counterfire.

In the western sector the line is holding. Russian guards are having tea awaiting the arrival of the German spearhead.

In the southwest, Germans are penetrating the Russian lines. The Russian field commander orders a retreat from the sector as far as it can be allowed. Most troops are allready falling back when this order is taken. Bravery is lacking on my side as well I suppose. :rolleyes:

In the south, a large armored column is spotted heading for the seemingly soft Russian belly. Since this area has been bombed nonstop by the Germans before they advance on it, the komrade in charge of it's defense expects a German push very soon indeed.

Also in the south, near the lake on the east side, some German infantry get the scare of their life as a self propelled gun fire at the building they are in, causing it to collapse on top of them, killing nearly all of them. That will teach those nazi pigs not to occupy the free worker's homes!

On the west side of the lake, the enemy is pushed back some more, only to reveal the dreaded 88mm AA gun aiming at one of the Russian tanks, firing and blowing it to smithereens. The Russian komrades wisely choose to avoid trouble and won't send anymore tanks..

In the south east things are relatively quiet, but with the nearby push of German armor, things may change soon enough. The troops there ready themselves for the German onslaught.

"This is Il-2 XV224 to base.. I am circleing the target area.. I have the enemy in my sights! Flak is medium to heavy I reckon.."
"This is Budapest Central Commitee Base.. Proceed with your run XV224!.."

Russian airpower rips through the German armored columns. Some vehicles are de-crewed and infantry suffers greatly from the bombardements.

Losqualo -> Intermission (7/2/2003 2:00:58 PM)

Hello Cyr,

Did you post the turn? Again I didn't receive it...

LordCucumber -> (7/2/2003 5:04:25 PM)

I will resend.. again..

Losqualo -> (7/2/2003 8:32:42 PM)

GenMaj Losqualo looked up in the sky. It was beyond belief how so many russian planes could try to destroy his already small force. At least they had some difficulties to find targets now, so the damage done by them was small. He went back into his tent and began to write.

Dear diary,

I will never understand the russian mentality. The claim to liberate free worker's homes and destroy them by doing so. Sadly one of our worker's comitees was just inspecting one of those houses when it collapsed.

At the moment there isn't that much going on. It seems that the Russians retreat faster than we are able to advance. We managed to destroy yet another log rifle pit, but many more will await us, I'm sure.

In the NW sector a KV-85 was destroyed, but we couldn't take advantage of it. Because of fleeing troops and immobilized vehicles it will take some time until we can advance. To worsen things, our only Elephant was destroyed by mortar fire, without having seen even the hint of a battle.

In the SW sector a Pz IV H was destroyed. The commander was just too courious to take a peek through the smoke, only to find a waiting russian tank. At least he was able to warn HQ about this threat.
Also we found another fortified house, blocking the street to our first objective. But a russian Infantry squad, guarding our objective, was last seen running in the direction of Wladivostok.

In the SE sector we managed to destroy a ISU-152 and it looks like we slowly make some progress over there. But our Special Forces platoon still hasn't found a way to enter that fortified building.
We tried to support our advance with an artillery barrage, but I'm afraid it has supported the russians more than us.

LordCucumber -> (7/2/2003 9:59:50 PM)

In the southeast, problems arrise east of the lake, as Panthers and their supporting infantry brutally shake the Russian lines there. Reinforcements get cut to bits when they try to advance on them and another T34 is lost. The komrade field commander is quite unsure if he can hold this position.

In the southwest and south sectors are relatively quiet. Too quiet. German troops must be advancing on us from there, even though Russian troops cannot see them coming. An infantry group is found in another house near the lake (east side) and again the self propelled guns do their slaughter.

The western sector guards, who were untill recently having tea, are surprised by German artillery. It seems the German spearhead in this sector isn't really getting anywhere. Katyushas rain down on them, mauling them into deeper dispair. The threatened logpit is reinforced with a self propelled gun for good measure.

In the northwest, the Russian airforce harrasses the group of vehicles there, still neatly pinning them down.

Losqualo -> (7/3/2003 3:55:26 AM)

Dear diary,

just some short notes, because it's getting late after a long day.

In the NW some 160 mm mortars interruptet (if not ended :rolleyes: ) my futile tries to regroup. But we managed to destroy a ISU-152 and a log rifle pit over there. A bit to the south we lost a recon vehicle against a ISU-152 (how fair).

In the SW sector we managed to destroy two OT-34/35's, one was even grilled by a flame HT(how funny :p ).

In the SE sector another ISU-152 was destroyed, but progress is slow there and some more tanks await my troops.

All in all the situation looks slightly better now, but I'm still reluctant to advance more quickly.

LordCucumber -> (7/4/2003 1:15:41 AM)

In the northwest, scouts report a large armoured column heading southeast toward the western sector railroad station. The komrades defending it duck for incoming Nebelwerfer fire.

In the southeast, the defenders are in trouble. The rapid advance of the Germans there almost leaves one of the flanks open, but a quick intervention from Russian high command with fresh reinforcements make sure the gap is filled. The south east sector will fall to the Germans, so pulling the troops out quick will be the first and foremost task there.

In the south, the Germans may break through soon. The Russian troops there cannot keep the Germans at bay long enough to make a difference and after minor casualties on both sides they pull out of the sector without awaiting the order to retreat.

Things are looking very dire at the moment. Artillery is eating up my defenses, as well as very well conducted recon attacks. I just hope I can keep the Germans at bay long enough to regroup what I have left for countermeasures.

LordCucumber -> (7/4/2003 1:19:33 AM)

P.S. To all who play with me online: I need to replace my CMOS battery because it is showing signs of old age (clock is behind etc.), so I may be offline for a few days, since the store that is suppose to sell them hasn't got the one I need (3 volt lithium button battery).


Losqualo -> Cease fire (7/7/2003 3:47:28 PM)

Since I am on honeymoon until july, 19, we were forced to a cease-fire until then.

LordCucumber -> (7/7/2003 6:33:22 PM)

Well thakn the Great Komrade for that!.. [SIZE=1]I wasn't exactly winning..[/SIZE]

Losqualo -> (7/7/2003 8:23:16 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cyricist
[B][SIZE=1]I wasn't exactly winning..[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

Hey that's not fair! [B]I[/B] had the impression that [B]I[/B] am loosing! :p
I had a short discussion with my new wife about the very remote possibility of taking a labtop with me, but as I said it was very short.;)

CU in 10 days, and maybe then my E-mail account works as it should.

Losqualo -> Back here again! (7/19/2003 7:35:53 AM)


Wake Up! GenMaj Losqualo is back!

LordCucumber -> (7/22/2003 5:32:56 AM)

Right.. how about a short summary of the turn you sent me, herr Friedrich? :p

Losqualo -> (7/22/2003 1:43:25 PM)

GenMaj Losqualo was searching his notes.
When he came back from his honeymoon the cease-fire ended, but his diary was full so he had to make notes on small pieces of paper.

But the next morning a 160 mm mortar shell exploded near his tent and blew it away. All his belongings were scattered around the camp, and while he found nearly everything, his notes probably landed near the latrine.

He remembered the reports of 3 fortified houses that were destroyed by his heroic troops, and that a T-34 and a M5 HT were also taken care of.
This would give GenMaj Losqualo some hope, but he also remembered some reports of his recon platoons about many heavy tanks being placed in stratetic places, and those tanks gave him some headache.
At least one of his target areas was secured and would soon be reinforced.

LordCucumber -> (7/23/2003 8:35:32 PM)

As another Soviet airraid passes overhead the Russian commander sinks into his seat.. "So the southwest sector has fallen.. issue the order to retreat then *sighs*.. At this rate the Germans will be at my front door at noon tommorrow!"

Things aren't going well at all. East of the lake the industrial sector is also under heavy bombardement and a German column will break through soon. The flanks are folding so quickly the Russian commander may not have the man nor the firepower to stop the German onslaught. Luckily the airforce manages to disrupt the German approach somewhat.

The western defenses are also being overrun and the previously hammered German forces there seem to have recovered, ready to push the advance.

The Russian commander takes up his sidearm. The Great Komrade will not be pleased if Szekesfehervar falls to the German band of thugs. He checks the chamber and primes the weapon. Then he puts it within arms reach on his desk, sighs again, and bends over his map once more. His orderly also sighs, relieved that his commander has not taken the ultimate step to save red tape just yet.

"Well.. what are you waiting for.. GO DELIVER MY ORDERS TO THE RADIO ROOM!". The orderly salutes and runs off into the bunker nearby.

Losqualo -> (7/23/2003 11:04:38 PM)

After GenMaj Losqualo watched with a certain amusement how the russian planes desperately tried to destroy an Opel Blitz and were damaged in return, he shrugged his shoulders and returned to his new tent to begin his new diary that finally arrived.

My dear new diary,

The enemy commander has faked his reports to Moscow again. He forgot to tell that he has lost 2 KV-1's in a try to counter-attack.
The crew in one KV-1 was pretty frozen so one of our Flammwagen decided to warm it up a bit. Alas our Flammwagen went over the top a bit so the KV-1's crew jumped out of their tank with smoking clothes and headed to the nearest lake.

Looking at the remains of the city maybe the enemy commander and me could make big money together after the war in a wrecking company.

Our progress is getting a bit slower because we have to rally and reorganize our troops.
In the NW-sector we destroyed a SU-152, but our Infantry was hit badly by those 120 and 160 mm mortars. I have some nagging doubts if such weapons aren't banned by the convention of Geneva.

In the SW-sector we reinforced our objective to counter any russian attacks. Also we tried to destroy another Log Rifle Pit, but without success.

In the SE-sector we lost one StuH 42 and a Panther G to a T-34/85 that was hidden in a good defensive position. Finally another Panther G was able to destroy it though.

While we were able to achieve a minor breakthrough, I'm afraid my troops are too scattered and too exhausted to make the final push very soon.

LordCucumber -> (8/10/2003 12:51:49 AM)

Been real busy with other things back here due ot the heatwave Europe is in. I will play my turn somewhere this upcoming week. Sorry to keep y'all waiting...

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