SeaQueen -> RE: AI unforced losses (5/10/2019 3:53:56 PM)
I can understand the odd aircraft running out of fuel or even a maintenance failure, but this seems excessive. I've noticed these types of losses in other scenarios too, but not to the same extent. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks! To what do you attribute those losses? The art of scenario design rests in constructing reasonable and robust plans that the AI can execute realistically. If aircraft are running out of gas it suggests there is a shortcoming in the plan. I have noticed in my own scenarios that sometimes on very long distance strike missions (e.g. the sort flown by BACKFIRE and BLACKJACK bombers) it seems to be a little bit overly optimistic about the range of the aircraft, resulting in aircraft crashing unnecessarily. I've fixed the problem by choosing a lighter bomb load, effectively trading ordinance for range. Depending on what the scenario laydown looks like, that, in turn, can be compensated for by increasing the number of bombers in the package.