BillRunacre -> RE: Major Bug: Communist China Invincible Units (5/25/2019 8:55:46 PM)
Hi I've had a look at the scripts and worked out why, as the Communist Chinese default to being under the control of the USSR if their country surrenders, and I guess I'm right that Japan isn't at war with the USSR? Despite this, they can operate in (formerly) Allied territory and attack Japanese units there, but the Japanese won't be able to attack them. I'll have a think about this as making them default to being under (Nationalist) China's control would resolve this, but there may be times when China has already surrendered so the Communist Chinese would also in this instance give up the fight if their capital is lost. That probably isn't avoidable unless we can have them go to another Major that Japan is at war with... the USA perhaps as later in the war the US did form connections with the Communists. But even with that, if this situation arose before the USA and Japan were at war then the issue would reoccur. So it might be possible to reduce the chance of this, but not necessarily to prevent it ever happening.