BillBrown -> Focus Pacific Scen 78 Allies (5/22/2019 8:19:11 PM)
WingCmdr has taken up the challange of being Japan in this Focus Pacific scenario 78 game. The scenario 78 files can be found here: And the general discussion of the Focus Pacific is found here: We have only a few house rules: 1. No 4 engine Naval Attack by either side( Japan has 4 engine bombers ) 2. No ground attack using the large payload 4 engine bombers into a hex that has friendly forces. So that is it, WingCmdr is working on turn 1 adn our rules for that are pretty straight forward and normal. 1. Allies can move existing TFs, and chinese Units. No other orders to be given. 2. The Japanese will not do any deep penatrations, no Palambang or such on turn 1. As a backgound, I have played 2 games of Focus Pacific. The first was using the original scenario 71 release. My opponet called it quits in mid 1943 after I took Harbin, the active soviets were too much. My second game was against paradigmblue using a scenario that he toned down some. It ended in the middle of 1942 when he had some personal RL problems. Both of these had active Soviets which added a lot to the Allied strength. This new sceario 78 does not have the Soviets Active. This is the change log: Focus Pacific-Scenario 78-GP’s Mod Change Log As Of 4/24/2019 1. The following plus many other changes (That I have forgotten over the last 3 years) are designed to help balance out the original scenario 70. 2. Removed upwards of 40+ allied air units. 3. Lowered production levels of most allied airframes. 4. Lowered the experience of some allied squadrons. 5. Lowered the maneuver rating of some French fighters 6. Set the Soviets to non-active. 7. Reduced supply production around the map to a point in between stock and Focus Pacific 8. Removed some Dutch and French LCU’s 9. Pushed back the arrival dates for some Dutch LCU reinforcements. 10. Reduced the number of Dutch CD guns within the CD LCU’s. 11. Added 12 more single plane float patrol units for the ships that are missing them. They are in groups of 4 at Babeldaob, Truk and Tokyo. 12. Removed the allied sub early effective torpedoes. 13. Reduced daily Political Point generation for both sides. 14. Increased Japanese starting PP’s. 15. Decreased allied starting PP’s. 16. Special change by Admiral Dadman. You now have a choice for your Iowa class build out. 17. Added the following IJN escort ships; 8 Kagero Class DD’s, 6 Hatsuharu Class DD’s, 4 Akitsuki Class DD’s and 8 Shimushu Class “E” boats. They are spread around several Home Island bases. 18. Note, for the allies, the Dutch CLAA’s need to be refueled manual with the refuel ships button. As you can see, the Allies have been cut back in a number of areas, but there are some added items also. I will go into those is later posts.