AleRonin -> RE: How is this game? (5/24/2019 11:39:32 AM)
New player here, therefore I can answer few quesions: quote:
How daunting is this game ad now much more complicated is this over WiTE? This game has a really steep learning curve but is totally worth the time spent on it, anyhow you are not alone because lot of forumites are helping me, moreover you can find dozen of helpful threads. I don't know for WitE but I think is more complex. quote:
Also is this Wego as opposed to the WiTE system? Absolutely better, you don't know your opponent moves and you cannot plot your plans knowing where the enemy units are placed because they can change position before you reach them, and in a naval game this is a huge bonus! quote:
Oh, and does this ever go on sale? Not sure, maybe holidays sales.