Captured Build Points problem (Full Version)

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herbertx -> Captured Build Points problem (5/29/2019 7:25:18 PM)

Not sure what's going on here. So the Axis collapsed Vichy France and supposedly took over control of 6 Build Points that were saved in 2 cities. But when subsequent production phases come around Germany (the owner of these Build Points) cannot use them. They're not even listed in the Production form. So why cant Germany spend these captured BP's? Attached save game file and pic.


herbertx -> RE: Captured Build Points problem (5/29/2019 7:36:17 PM)

save game file attached.

Centuur -> RE: Captured Build Points problem (5/29/2019 8:36:47 PM)

There's a bug here. You should be able to transport those build points back to Germany and use them in the next turn. However, they don't show in the German production planning screen.

You can only use build points which are in your own home country...

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Captured Build Points problem (5/30/2019 3:42:35 AM)

I haven't looked at your saved game.

However, a common problem with these situations is that you can only use 1 saved Build Point per turn from any city other than your capital. The program should remove one BP each turn from each city/port and add it to your available count at the start of the production phase. It takes time, but eventually they can all be used.

toenailthehun -> RE: Captured Build Points problem (5/31/2019 3:17:53 AM)

I had the same bug occur when as Axis I collapsed Vichy with about 30 saved BP and they have refused to be added to German total. It is not the using build point limit that is the problem as no build points were recognised.

This was a problem in ver 2.9.4, and replayed the collapse turn in ver 3.0.1 and same problem.

composer99 -> RE: Captured Build Points problem (7/5/2019 2:10:48 PM)

I'm also having the same issue.

Incidentally, it's probably worth noting you can expend saved build points at a higher rate:

RAC 13.6.8
In a later production step, you can remove those build points from the map and add them to your build point total. You may spend any number saved at your capital. No more than 1 saved build point may be consumed per turn from each other city, useable factory and port (e.g. you can spend 4 saved build points on production in New York and unlimited in Moscow each turn).

So for instance, you could expend 2 saved bp from Vichy each turn, 3 from Lyons, etc.

But that's academic if you can't spend any of them at all.

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