What stands RA for? (e. g. armaments for the M109A3G) (Full Version)

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JoeMK -> What stands RA for? (e. g. armaments for the M109A3G) (6/20/2019 5:31:03 PM)

I'm willing to increase my total posts value to this ominous 10!
Back to my question, I haven't found an answer. Reading through some annotations by "Rhein-Metall" regarding the development of the M109 series, it might have to do with a better reloading system. Maybe Reloader Automation. But this sounds more like a project's title...
Thank you for your patience, Sir!


Now there will be a 7-days repose! But only a rest from me...

CapnDarwin -> RE: What stands RA for? (e. g. armaments for the M109A3G) (6/20/2019 5:41:56 PM)

RA is for RAP rounds. This, like I'll for illumination were codes added for later expansion in the game engine. RAP rounds are an extended range version of the standard round. About 15 to 20 percent more max range.

IronMikeGolf -> RE: What stands RA for? (e. g. armaments for the M109A3G) (6/20/2019 7:39:02 PM)

"RAP" means "Rocket Assisted Projectile". NATO requirement for Corps level artillery was a 30 km range. Member nations needed RAP ammo for their 155mm howitzers to meet that requirement.

JoeMK -> RE: What stands RA for? (e. g. armaments for the M109A3G) (7/18/2019 1:36:24 PM)

@CapnDarwin + IronMikeGolf:
A very late thankyou. Meanwhile I’ve read two articles regarding this kind of rounds. My personal document “Abbreviations, Definitions, and Backgrounds” is increasing. ;-)

CapnDarwin -> RE: What stands RA for? (e. g. armaments for the M109A3G) (7/18/2019 1:51:50 PM)

Our list of codes for types and characteristics is long and grows almost every day. The military is full of its own acronyms and abbreviations too. Lots to digest. [X(]

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