Big WaW NATOs_v2.2 Counter Mod (Full Version)

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PHalen -> Big WaW NATOs_v2.2 Counter Mod (6/29/2019 9:16:51 AM)

Version 2.2:
- Added MT vessels for USA.
- German mechanized units with Infantry Weapons level 2 are now black (Waffen SS).
- Russian mechanized units with Infantry Weapons level 2 are now darker (Guards).

Version 2.1:
- Corrected misaligned Italian air units.
- Added CVEs for Anti-Submarine Warfare levels 3-5.
- Added subs for Allied Minors.

Version 2.0:
Adjusted at zoomed in view based on relevant feedback from Uxbridge that the big counters were hiding map info & scenery.
The counters in version 2.0 are just slightly bigger than vanilla & feel better. Thanks Uxbridge!
The only difference between the WaW and WiE versions is that US Special Forces are Rangers for WiE and USMC for WaW.

These are an offspring - although completely remade from scratch - from a NATO counters concept originally prepared by SIPRES for Crispy’s Fall Weiss II mod.
So special thanks to SIPRES for the trigger and some generous advice!
They are basically an attempt to create clear, classic boardgame style NATO counters. At least for ground units.

• Bigger counters that are type-shaped per ground, HQ, air & naval units. (From SIPRES’s great concept.)
• Pretty straight forward NATO symbols for ground units. Except major nation Special Forces that are "special".
• Individual air & naval unit silhouettes per nation & tech level.
• Baby blue Luftwaffe units (Air, AA & FSJ).
• Tech level 4 & 5 armored & AT units are black (Waffen SS) for Germany & darker (Guards) for Russia.
• Tech level 2 mechanized units are black (Waffen SS) for Germany & darker (Guards) for Russia.
• Plus some other stuff.
• Adjusted unit activation sprites. (An IronX & SIPRES combo).
• Adjusted tile highlights sprites. (Inspired by IronX).

Recommended together with, and as seen on the sample pics:
• “Bleached Map” mod (obviously[:'(]) by yours truly.
• "Historical Flag” mod by Philippeatbay.

Installation instructions:

A sample from the opening of campaign "1943 Allies Turn The Tide":

PHalen -> RE: Big WaW NATOs_v1.2 Counter Mod (6/29/2019 9:19:09 AM)

Another sample, also from the opening of campaign "1943 Allies Turn The Tide":

Uxbridge -> RE: Big WaW NATOs_v1.2 Counter Mod (6/29/2019 4:51:29 PM)

Wish I was that profficient with the graphic applications, but I have at least, using Welk's and IronX's mods, managed to make the map feel the way I prefer. I try to make the counters look a little like the ones in GMT games and add something new now and then.


PHalen -> RE: Big WaW NATOs_v1.2 Counter Mod (6/29/2019 9:21:21 PM)

Your map & counters look GREAT!
And very well made indeed!

Yeah, it’s all about personal preferences based on previous board gaming experiences & memories.
Tanks are really cool but for some reason I personally still prefer “bathtub armor” for strategic games.
And to keep counters as clean & simple as possible.

Uxbridge -> RE: Big WaW NATOs_v1.2 Counter Mod (6/30/2019 5:44:02 PM)

Your counters are well done too. Maybe a tad too large for my taste, since they cover more of the map than the ones I'm using. But circular air counters are smart. Makes them easier to spot.

I'm actually beginning to ponder the idea of doing my own counter-sets. Dangerous thoughts, but maybe I can pull it off.

PHalen -> RE: Big WaW NATOs_v1.2 Counter Mod (7/6/2019 10:37:46 AM)

Thanks for the feedback Oxbridge!
You’re right that the big counters are hiding too much of the map info & scenery!
(No wonder I was hitting the “H” key so often when playing with them…)
I’m working on smaller versions at zoomed in view that are beginning to feel promising.

The round air units are inherited from master SIPRES’s concept.
They work really well for me & come from some board game I cannot remember.
(Could have sworn they were from AH’s monster ”The Longest Day” but they’re not.)

Cool that you’re thinking about making your own counters.
Plunge in!

Uxbridge -> RE: Big WaW NATOs_v1.2 Counter Mod (7/6/2019 6:47:25 PM)

I think some counters in The Longest Day was actually round. But it wasn't air units. More like supply or something, as I recall.

I'm working on some new counters too. With various results.

Uxbridge -> RE: Big WaW NATOs_v1.2 Counter Mod (7/11/2019 10:24:59 AM)

I didn't realize at first that the counters in the picture were actually smaller, but it looks much better now.

I'm still struggling with my sets which – after some initial major set-backs – are beginning to look the way I want them. I will fix the Japanese today and post a comparing screenie. But I will put it in my own thread, as I don't intend to hijack this one.

PHalen -> RE: Big WaW NATOs_v2.2 Counter Mod (10/12/2019 3:34:43 PM)

Updated to version 2.2 in post #1 above.

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