npsergio -> New Game Ideas (7/5/2019 11:59:55 PM)
I've seen a thread like this in the Slitherine Forum, so here it is mine: A game about the Battle of the Atlantic, from an operational point of view: We-go system, probably is the best idea. The game would represent a long campaign, or the different periods during the war with the historical carachteristics on each of these perdiods (e.g. the begining of the war, the happy time for the kriegsmarine, the turn of the tide, and the final period), German side (submarines, fleet, planes); - training of crews (a green crew need some trining, then it'll get experience through survival in missions) - selecting the captain (historical commanders) - air recon - creation of missions - supplies - reparations - radio info, reaction of nearby subs/ships, wolfpacks - ships and floatplanes to assist/refuel/resuply subs/corsaries in mission - logistic support from Spain (intel, sub bases, refuel, etc) - Italy and the mediterranean? Black sea? Allied side (submarines, fleet, planes): - creation of convoys to satisfy the UK/USSR needs - air recon and air atacks on subs - tactical decisions on the escort/convoy formation/routes, etc - crews training, commander selection, etc (like in the german side) - supplies - reparations - radio info, reaction of nearby coastal patrols/planes/convoys - intel (enigma code leaks, spying, resistance info) - bombing / commando missions on submarine bases I prefer the historical point of view, so IMHO technical improvements (new torpedoes, new ship/sub, snorkel, sonar, etc) would be introduced in the real dates (better than some kind of r&d and/or production system). Top