HQ Reorg Bug. (Full Version)

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rkr1958 -> HQ Reorg Bug. (7/7/2019 9:28:23 PM)

If I try to use either Eisenhower or Patton to reorg a British armor or mech unit I'm only able to knock off 1 point. No matter how many reorg points I try to use.


rkr1958 -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/7/2019 9:29:59 PM)

game turn. MWiF version

paulderynck -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/8/2019 4:19:25 PM)

Patton only has 1 to give since re-orging a cooperating power costs double. No idea on Eisenhower.

Centuur -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/8/2019 4:50:50 PM)


If you play an offensive chit at the start of a combined action (...).
It only costs half the normal reorganisation point cost of a combined
action to reorganise each land, naval or aircraft unit (see 11.18.4).

There is no restriction on the use of reorganisation points to be spend on CW units. It's doubled and than halved again for the US. So this looks like a bug to me.

paulderynck -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/8/2019 7:34:18 PM)

The game file opens with all the US HQs already disorganized. I see now with CTRL-A that the US took a super-combined. Nonetheless the rule references 11.18.4, it does not except it.

Normally the US would spend 1 re-org point for each US unit and two for each cooperating power unit, however I see the Variable Re-org option is on. So when you look at the costs under the disorganized units, some of them are as high as 8 !

And of course there's this: "The number of reorganization points required to reorganize a unit is based on the action taken by the major power controlling the unit, not the action taken by the major power controlling the units performing reorganization."

Courtenay -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/8/2019 8:15:45 PM)

The problem posted was not the cost, but that the player could not put more than one reorganization point into the unit. The unit does cost more than one reorg point, but the HQ could not spend more than one on the unit.

paulderynck -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/8/2019 10:24:39 PM)

Spend more than one or have no more effect than one?

FREX: Patton has 2 but it takes both to knock off one of the two on XXX corps.

Courtenay -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/9/2019 12:43:32 AM)

Here's the quote:

ORIGINAL: rkr1958

If I try to use either Eisenhower or Patton to reorg a British armor or mech unit I'm only able to knock off 1 point. No matter how many reorg points I try to use.

If you look at the picture in the first post, Patton has spent both of his points, but XXX Arm has only has only received one of them, and none of the other British units has received any.

paulderynck -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/9/2019 3:30:58 AM)

Here's mine.

ORIGINAL: paulderynck

Patton only has 1 to give since re-orging a cooperating power costs double. No idea on Eisenhower.

Courtenay -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/9/2019 3:45:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: paulderynck

Here's mine.

ORIGINAL: paulderynck

Patton only has 1 to give since re-orging a cooperating power costs double. No idea on Eisenhower.

Yes, and that is why the British armored units has a reorg cost of two and the airplane has a cost of four, and the LND-4s have a cost of eight. MWiF has done the doubling already.

paulderynck -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/9/2019 6:14:13 AM)

A bug then. To be more helpful, the saved game ought to be from before re-org rather than after.

rkr1958 -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/9/2019 7:24:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: paulderynck

A bug then. To be more helpful, the saved game ought to be from before re-org rather than after.
Sorry about that. Here's the game turn at the beginning of the HQ reorg phase.

Well it may be in a bit. Been trying to upload 1 MB zip of the game file for over 30-minutes now. Not sure on who's side the problem is. Will try to upload later.

rkr1958 -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/9/2019 9:13:32 PM)

Finally! game turn for beginning of HQ reorg.

Centuur -> RE: HQ Reorg Bug. (7/10/2019 2:20:48 PM)

Bug confirmed.

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