exsonic01 -> RE: Thermobaric weapons (7/22/2019 3:46:20 AM)
https://www.drdo.gov.in/drdo/whatsnew/TB%20Technology_HEMRL.pdf This would be helpful for description of FAE. Check figure 2. FAE creates lower peak pressure than HE, but FAE creates longer negative pressure and thus bring longer pulse. For FAE, this heat + blast shockwave effect damages the structure, vehicle, and people inside the effective range. On the other hand, HE bomb relies on fragment effect, rather than heat + pressure (HE's heat + pressure is more weaker). HE bomb would hard to induce damage to units behind the cover. But FAE would have more chance to damage units behind the cover. This is because FAE is using pressure wave, not fragments, as a main method to transfer energy. Fragments can be blocked by cover but pressure wave is not. Because of fast pressure dissipation, FAE damage radius is smaller than HE of same weight, but induce more damage to structure and human inside the range when compared to HE of same weight. FAE does not rely on fragment effect, and this also makes the effective radius of FAE smaller than HE bomb. Fragment can travel far, but pressure wave is not. People tends to overestimate FAE thanks to media. But FAE is not that strong bomb. Generally speaking, HE is better than FAE to induce damage due to HE + fragment effect, HE can be kinda all-around solution against multiple targets of vehicle and infantry. On the other hand, FAE's effective range is smaller than HE, and hard to damage heavy vehicle (unless it is direct hit) With the narrower damage radius than HE, sometimes FAE is used to bring surgical strike to reduce collateral damage. One more thing, FAE should induce more morale damage to infantry survivors when compared to HE. I think one could differentiate damage when the FAE is exploded in the building, and in the open. This makes huge damage difference. Maybe it would be possible to abstract FAE damage, by distinguishing damage between unit inside the building and outside the building, inside the FAE effect radius. I guess it wouldn't be too different from HE, but give FAE narrower damage radius, and give more chance to damage infantry inside the building for FAE. Vehicles would be effected if it is airborne FAE, might hard to destroy, but can break some subsystems. If it is possible, damage should be inverse proportional to distance from FAE explosion center. I guess it would be OK to depict airborne FAE as well as airborne big HE like Mk82 or Mk84 for AB. Why not? AB doesn't have area fire anyway, such big bombs will be great to suppress area. Give them expensive price. One could introduce political point, and make political point penalty to FAE bomb, chemical, and tac nuke in the future. Interestingly, india seems developed 120mm FAE shell for tanks, not sure if that is mass produced or not. ps) FAE is very good way to clear mine field.