patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (Full Version)

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simovitch -> patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (7/24/2019 8:12:09 PM)

The big news is that the dreaded "turnback" bug has been identified and squashed by our gifted programmer Alberto. This annoying bug has been around since pre-Matrix days and thanks to a repeatable save game that I had and a replay provided by Pete McCullagh (and reduced screen shifting from 1.04) Alberto was able to identify the problem rather quickly. I tested my save repeatedly and never saw a turnback.

I need to verify this with Alberto but it seems that the trigger happened whenever "following" units (bombers and escorts) checked for separation from the lead group after bombing. Thus, like stragglers and enemy interceptors, new flight numbers>200 (the maximum number of raids) were assigned. This is fine, since the maximum number of units flying is 2000. The problem occurred when re-assigning return waypoints at trigger time all flight numbers>200 in that raid were ignored. This only impacted followers, since stragglers and interceptors don't use the assigned waypoints. The result was that corrupt followers would "turnback" to the exit point from the trigger point and then follow the waypoints. Changing the MAX_RAID constant to MAX_FLIGHT in a few places of code fixed it!

Other fixes I did myself that need testing when I get a compiled .exe:
1. fixed "days since last mission" incorrectly displayed as "turn number of last mission" for lead bomber groups.
2. fixed attacker's view of area damage on a target changing after saves and checking summary. (fingers crossed on this one)
3. color-coded raid path display for night bombing, day bombing, sweeps and recon.
4. defender AI will now cancel all patrols when attacker missions completed (saves time waiting around for AI patrols to bingo fuel)
5. Overcast/cloud cover over primary target now displays during raid planning screen so you can adjust your raid altitude without flipping back to the main menu.
6. Alberto is working on some fatigue display and minor calculation anomalies and catching some other bugs.

nelmsm1 -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (7/24/2019 10:53:30 PM)


harley -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (7/25/2019 1:24:03 AM)

Thats amazeballs mate. I was always looking for a value changing, rather than a value not changing!

simovitch -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (7/25/2019 1:15:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: harley

Thats amazeballs mate. I was always looking for a value changing, rather than a value not changing!

Dude, you were soooo close with your fixes, and on the right path...

Johntxic -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (7/29/2019 9:40:19 AM)

Good show chaps

simovitch -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (7/31/2019 2:36:31 AM)

Here's a screenie of the color-coded raid paths. White=bombing, blue=night raid/Intruder, orange=recon, green=sweep. red of course is the return leg for all. I created some bugs with some other edits[:@] but Alberto left on holiday so I'm kind of dead in the water until he returns in mid-August to compile a new build. Stay tuned.


Orm -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (7/31/2019 12:06:08 PM)

Awesome news. [:)] [&o]

joey -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (7/31/2019 2:14:16 PM)

This looks great! I can't wait!!!

Pete McCullagh -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (8/9/2019 9:36:31 PM)

Really good news, I am glad to have helped. Now let us see what else we can do.

davidjruss -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (8/17/2019 2:06:36 PM)

Thanks for the update , trust Alberto has returned from Holiday suitably refreshed

simovitch -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (8/18/2019 1:48:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: davidjruss

Thanks for the update , trust Alberto has returned from Holiday suitably refreshed

Yes, he's back and we should have something out in a few weeks. One little feature we added that I'm testing is that damaged level bombers loose random altitude proportionate to the amount of damage they have taken. So if the defender wants to chase down stragglers they too will have to lose altitude to do so. Adds a bit of drama to the return trip.

also added a go-nogo check for strafing on the return trip based on disruption and morale of the group. Should reduce the number of overly-heroic strafe runs.

We will probably bump up the number of flights per turn to 3-4K but I'm wondering of that will mean that saved games are unplayable. I'll have to test that.

Pete McCullagh -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (8/23/2019 9:16:10 AM)

Wow! Love the altitude mod for stragglers, very realistic! Maybe combine with the emergency landing idea?? As far as fixing number of flights not working with current saves, I, for one would happily restart campaign to avoid hiccups this has caused, especially if dec43 weather I'd fixed. I really want to play a 43 campaign again!! Keep up the good work

mark dolby -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (12/24/2019 5:55:54 AM)

Coming in late on this one, but was the 'turnback' bug what I always considered USAAF bombers flying a reciprocal compass course?
One, rarely more, BG would almost be over the UK coast and then fly around and fly most of the way back to the target. Even rarer did any of them get home after I scrambled extra interceptors against them. And after Feb '44 this is the best thing to keep your 110 gruppen ready for - no escorts return with them!
As you can guess I was the LW for my last campaign.

Pete McCullagh -> RE: patch 1.04.01 and the turnback bug (12/24/2019 5:58:49 AM)

No more on the next release.!!!

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