Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (Full Version)

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Lord_Vindicare -> Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/5/2019 7:32:20 PM)

Im a big fan of WitE, and while playing the thought occurred to me how awesome it would be to have a campaign set around the Ork wars for Armageddon. Is it possible to set something like this up? I know you can do custom maps, but would the units be possible to do?

btd64 -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/5/2019 7:38:56 PM)

I think your in the wrong forum. Just a guess....GP

Lobster -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/5/2019 7:51:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lord_Vindicare

Im a big fan of WitE, and while playing the thought occurred to me how awesome it would be to have a campaign set around the Ork wars for Armageddon. Is it possible to set something like this up? I know you can do custom maps, but would the units be possible to do?

You would have to come up with the unit stats on your own. Not familiar with Warhammer but it looks to be fairly popular.

Curtis Lemay -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/5/2019 8:22:10 PM)

Didn't somebody do a Lord of the Rings scenario?

Xenomorph -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/5/2019 10:32:49 PM)

One of the big questions I think he’s asking is how hard is it to create new units from scratch. I’m brand new and have no idea but I’m sure plenty of people here do. I’m wondering that myself.

Curtis Lemay -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/5/2019 11:13:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: Xenomorph

One of the big questions I think he’s asking is how hard is it to create new units from scratch. I’m brand new and have no idea but I’m sure plenty of people here do. I’m wondering that myself.

17.3.3 in the manual gives a unit creation example.

VHauser -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/6/2019 12:47:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lord_Vindicare

Im a big fan of WitE, and while playing the thought occurred to me how awesome it would be to have a campaign set around the Ork wars for Armageddon. Is it possible to set something like this up? I know you can do custom maps, but would the units be possible to do?

Yes, it's "possible".

Basically you're talking about having to create a whole new .eqp file. It's doable but difficult and time-consuming. I recommend designing all your equipments on a speadsheet first.

And once you've designed a new .eqp file, then you have to design the map along with everything else to create a complete scenario. Good luck.

Xenomorph -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/8/2019 12:07:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay


ORIGINAL: Xenomorph

One of the big questions I think he’s asking is how hard is it to create new units from scratch. I’m brand new and have no idea but I’m sure plenty of people here do. I’m wondering that myself.

17.3.3 in the manual gives a unit creation example.

Ugg! U r right of course! Somebody’s thumb is RTFM. That’s a great thumb. I usu do try to peruse the manual first. Sorry bout that & thx for the patient answer!

VHauser -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/8/2019 5:00:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Xenomorph


ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay


ORIGINAL: Xenomorph

One of the big questions I think he’s asking is how hard is it to create new units from scratch. I’m brand new and have no idea but I’m sure plenty of people here do. I’m wondering that myself.

17.3.3 in the manual gives a unit creation example.

Ugg! U r right of course! Somebody’s thumb is RTFM. That’s a great thumb. I usu do try to peruse the manual first. Sorry bout that & thx for the patient answer!

This is incorrect. I know Lord Vindicare used the word "units", but he wasn't mainly talking about units in the TOAW sense.

There are 7 races in W40k--Human, Chaos, Eldar, Tyranid, Tau, Necron, and Ork. And they all use some combination of "magic" and "high-tech" weapons. So, that means he's going to have to get into the .eqp database and make some serious modifications.

It's only after he's done all that work on creating a whole new .eqp file that he'll be able to create "units" (according to manual 17.3.3) in the TOAW sense.

Personally, I don't think TOAW is well suited (and probably not suited at all) to achieve what he wants.

Curtis Lemay -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/8/2019 6:17:03 PM)




ORIGINAL: Xenomorph


ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay


ORIGINAL: Xenomorph

One of the big questions I think he’s asking is how hard is it to create new units from scratch. I’m brand new and have no idea but I’m sure plenty of people here do. I’m wondering that myself.

17.3.3 in the manual gives a unit creation example.

Ugg! U r right of course! Somebody’s thumb is RTFM. That’s a great thumb. I usu do try to peruse the manual first. Sorry bout that & thx for the patient answer!

This is incorrect. I know Lord Vindicare used the word "units", but he wasn't mainly talking about units in the TOAW sense.

There are 7 races in W40k--Human, Chaos, Eldar, Tyranid, Tau, Necron, and Ork. And they all use some combination of "magic" and "high-tech" weapons. So, that means he's going to have to get into the .eqp database and make some serious modifications.

It's only after he's done all that work on creating a whole new .eqp file that he'll be able to create "units" (according to manual 17.3.3) in the TOAW sense.

Personally, I don't think TOAW is well suited (and probably not suited at all) to achieve what he wants.

His question was OT and had nothing to do with W40k (as I understood it). It was just a newbie question about creating units.

VHauser -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/8/2019 7:15:01 PM)

Curtis Lemay:
"His question was OT and had nothing to do with W40k (as I understood it). It was just a newbie question about creating units."

Wow. You never cease to amaze me. His thread title is: "Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario?"

In his first sentence: "...thought occurred to me how awesome it would be to have a campaign set around the Ork wars for Armageddon."

His second sentence: "Is it possible to set something like this up?"

So far his entire post is talking about setting up a W40k scenario/campaign. So far, you have completely misunderstood what he is asking.

Now his third sentence: "I know you can do custom maps, but would the units be possible to do?"

First he mentions 'custom' maps. Right there should give you a clue what he wants if you knew how to parse a sentence. When he asks, "...would the units be possible to do?", he is NOT asking how to create units. He is asking if it would be possible to create custom units for a W40k scenario/campaign.


Curtis Lemay -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/8/2019 9:00:21 PM)



Curtis Lemay:
"His question was OT and had nothing to do with W40k (as I understood it). It was just a newbie question about creating units."

Wow. You never cease to amaze me. His thread title is: "Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario?"

In his first sentence: "...thought occurred to me how awesome it would be to have a campaign set around the Ork wars for Armageddon."

His second sentence: "Is it possible to set something like this up?"

So far his entire post is talking about setting up a W40k scenario/campaign. So far, you have completely misunderstood what he is asking.

Now his third sentence: "I know you can do custom maps, but would the units be possible to do?"

First he mentions 'custom' maps. Right there should give you a clue what he wants if you knew how to parse a sentence. When he asks, "...would the units be possible to do?", he is NOT asking how to create units. He is asking if it would be possible to create custom units for a W40k scenario/campaign.


That was "Lord_Vindicare. I was replying to Xenomorph.

VHauser -> RE: Feasibility of making a Warhammer 40k scenario? (8/8/2019 9:25:46 PM)

Well, blow me down! Looks like both Curtis and I are partially correct.

Xenomorph's first sentence missed Lord Vindicare's original intent. Lord Vindicare wasn't interested in 17.3.3. He was interested in the feasibility of inventing a W40k scenario from the bottom up.

Xenomorph's remaining sentences were about general TOAW unit-creation (17.3.3).

I responded (correctly) to Xenomorph's first sentence and Curtis responded (correctly) to Xenomorph's remaining sentences. All is well.

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