FlashXAron_slith -> RE: 2 Player? (8/11/2019 12:08:32 AM)
... LOL come on, not true ... that is when you tell someone, yes this Meal is for 4 people ... after the first one has eaten out from the bowl , move the bowl to the next one and give him your spoon ... that isn't what I understand how MP for more people should be, but how most Matrix/Slith games are designed ! The first game, which starts now to have proper MP for turn based games , has been just released "Age of Wonder: Planetfall", sad is that it is a dumbed down linear strategy game, but by far the best roundbased MP technical solution I have ever seen ... it is near perfect , when you play that asynchron variation. Hope to see in the future all Slith/Matrix that way PLEASE COPY THAT even it still has it's flaws !