Larry Holt -> (5/15/2000 9:20:00 PM)
Originally posted by Pack Rat:
I've not seen this. What are your settings in the prefernces? What I have noticed is sometimes it will show a false movement radius. How I can tell is the unit doesn't make the hex I tried for, I hit the back button, click on the unit again and the hex I was going for is no longer lit up.
I've noticed that if my Ger armored cars are fired on, they stop (of course) then when I click on them again, they have lost a significant amount of their movement (could have moved 15, now 8 or so) and when I click on them the movement radius is less than actual, i.e. when I click on them after being fired on I get a 5 hex or so radius but they will actuall go 8 or so. I've not played enough to generalize this bug, I've only seen it in this one case.