Vathailos -> I have... (8/8/2003 1:13:16 AM)
Two quick comments and a question, now that this post is once again active. 1) Thanks for the “heads up” on what it takes to increase your OP-fire. I didn’t know that before, and that must be what Viking does. I swear, the enemy could run in columns at my hidden units, shouting through megaphones, with strobe lights on them, and my troops wouldn’t OP-fire. I move a sniper set to defend and range zero 2 hexes and a 3” AT gun 12 hexes away spots and engages him. :mad: ;) 2) I believe the point at which a vehicle will explode from non-penetrating hits may have something to do with ALL of the “Vulnerable Location”s being hit. For example, radio masts broken, gun optics gone, tool box shot to bits, on and on… Once the computer can no longer find an area on the vehicle to apply a “critical hit”, it may well apply them to the vehicle itself. I do also know that once the last crewman is killed in a vehicle, it’ll explode (at least my observations seem to bear that one out). And now the question: If I’m not mistaken, having a recon team ride on a vehicle allows that recon asset to spot from that vehicle. In other words, when a 2-man scout team is riding on an M-4 for example, the M-4 gains their “recon” bonus when spotting. Is this correct? [I]EDIT[/I}: OK, I wasn’t quite honest, I thought of one more addition, so it’s THREE comments and ONE question :) A tip on keeping hidden for MGs especially. Turn off that damned little rifle! My DshK 12.7mm HMGs can now fire somewhat inconspicuously with the rifles turned off. Same with MG 42s, etc. When the enemy’s close, or once you’re spotted, you might want to flip them back on. I’m sure many of you already do this, but just thought I’d share it for other “n00bs” like me.