tshugart3 -> [FIXED] Submarine Operating Too Shallow in Patrol Area (8/25/2019 6:32:57 PM)
Hello All, I recently noted an issue where my submarines operating in an assigned patrol area in shallow-ish water will sometimes operate shallower than periscope depth, resulting in their prompt detection and destruction by maritime patrol aircraft. Specifically, I saw a Japanese Soryu Class SS operating at 52ft depth (well shallower than its apparent normal 66ft periscope depth) when in 187ft of water depth. Obviously this doesn't work well for the submarine. Is there something I need to do different for patrol settings or do they just need to be kept out of shallow water? Of note, I have seen that, even when I assign a patrol area of mostly deep water, sometimes the submarine will choose to drive over a shallow spot, come shallow in its depth, and then get killed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!