Lokasenna -> RE: 3D warships in your browser (9/4/2019 11:58:36 PM)
ORIGINAL: Chickenboy quote:
ORIGINAL: Lokasenna quote:
ORIGINAL: Chickenboy Anybody else here a regular at World of Warships? Not since they mucked it up really badly about 8 months ago. You mean with the carrier 'upgrade'? Yeah, that was a ham-fisted attempt wasn't it? That'd be the one. I just can't play the game anymore. The client has gotten extremely bloated and is very laggy, and they don't seem to care much. They don't seem to care much about losing a significant chunk of their playerbase, which honestly is fine - they're doing it in service of whatever their vision for the game is. I just think their vision for the game is less interesting and more boring, and by default a game with fewer players kind of crystallizes more and becomes more formulaic and boring. I saw they're gonna add subs as part of the regular game. I'm noping out of that, too. They should've kept it as a purely naval combat MOBA, at least the core of it. Fun little dalliances with submarine events or carriers for PvE missions and whatnot are suitable and fun, but yeah... Used to play that game 12+ hours per week, and have maybe played 4 games or ~1 hour since January. I understand the game hasn't actually changed THAT much since then, and carriers aren't in every game, and so on... but knowing that the game is heading in a direction I find bland makes the game far less interesting and fun even though it hasn't become completely bland yet. There are too many other games to play in my limited time.