What to do in Rangoon (Full Version)

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jagsdomain -> What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 4:24:47 PM)

So about 1 week in and I need fighters everywhere.
I am trying to hold on in Rangoon but the dam Sallys are not making life easy. To mame it worse there are 0 yep 0 fighters in all of India.
Trying to get some ak to east cost to grab some fighters but that is a month away.

I am playing quite China but I have a feeling that the computer is not doing anything with the China forces but letting them die. But not a problem for now!

What is a decent strat for India?

RangerJoe -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 4:54:22 PM)

Defend India, train your units. Send the air units in the East Coast to India if you need to. The US 10th Air Force was the first one to operate in that theater then, I think, the 14th Air Force joined it. Buy out any Chinese units as cheaply as you can and send them to India to train and equip. Get as many supplies to China that you can. If it is quiet China, back away from the Japanese and garrison your forward cities that you need.

jagsdomain -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 4:59:28 PM)

Can Rangoon be held?
What do you mean buy out China?

jwolf -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 5:25:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: jagsdomain

Can Rangoon be held?
What do you mean buy out China?

Very unlikely to be able to hold Rangoon, IMHO, even against the AI. Try to manage a fighting retreat into India and save the bulk of your army.

Chinese units can march, in theory, all the way from southern China to India, there to rest and rebuild with better equipment and supply. Many players restrict this so that only the units in an unrestricted command can move out of China. If you follow this model, only a small number of Chinese units can be bought out (that is, pay points to change their command to ABDA, SE Asia, or some other unrestricted command). Buy those and march and/or airlift them to eastern India to help defend India, while at the same time the Chinese units will (slowly) get bigger and better.

jagsdomain -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 5:50:45 PM)

What aboht that small island just off the coast with the airfield and navy yard?

RangerJoe -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 6:15:46 PM)

Which island? Ceylon? Defend it but not too strongly because the Japanese can bring lots of firepower if they want. The important city to defend is Karachi, make sure that all bases along the coast have some defense and protect the interior bases against paratroopers. Small armor units work well as well as decently trained and equipped battalions.

jagsdomain -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 6:32:33 PM)

Will do!

In general about cargo ships.
I have a feeling I am adding alot of work for myself.
I am sending cargo ships to South Africa empty and basong them there. Then will send them back with fuel supplies etc. Same thing with Oz ships. I am setting home port at Jave cities then send them back to Oz.
Is there a way of senting a ship to a port loading then comeing back home?

fcooke -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 6:38:47 PM)

AVG isn't around? Been a while since I played against the AI but they used to do a good job of carving up attacks and gaining exp.

jagsdomain -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 6:51:20 PM)

The game was to big for me so I atarted quite China.

RangerJoe -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 6:58:01 PM)

Take your cargo ships in Cape Town and send most of them to the East Coast and some the England. Then have them return with supplies until you build up a large stockpile. Group the ships by type, using both speed and cargo capacity. You can use the supplies later. Have some ships at Aden waiting for units to bring to Karachi.

jagsdomain -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 7:08:21 PM)

I have not even looked at speed. I will have to do that.
I have only been doing it by how far they can travel.

SuluSea -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 7:09:22 PM)

This is what I advise.

At the beginning turns you can buy out (10th Air Force, AHQ Bengal, ABDA, or whatever) the two groups of P-40E's that start in Manila, Philippines, with drop tanks they can reach friendly bases in China. Use them in China against probably lesser/dated airframes then move them to Burma then into India.

I send all the engineers I can in India to build up Dacca as a 4 engine bomber base and also buy out the USAAF B-17s in the Philippines and base them there and use against marching Japanese through Burma.

It doesn't hurt to evacuate the Air HQs from Singapore at the opportune time.

SuluSea -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 7:15:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: jagsdomain

I have not even looked at speed. I will have to do that.
I have only been doing it by how far they can travel.

It may help you to get some tips from this thread '.

IMO it's a good baseline to help you get your shipping organized after the initial tasks then alter to suit your own ideas.

Allied Logistics for Dummies
Allied Logistics for Dummies

RangerJoe -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 7:20:28 PM)

It will also help if you can evacuate any units that you don't need in Malaya/Singapore. Against the computer, I put the two divisions that form up into Palembang. [:D]

Chickenboy -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 8:12:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: jagsdomain

Can Rangoon be held?
What do you mean buy out China?

Against the AI? Of course Rangoon can be held. So can Singapore, Manila, Clark, Batavia, Soerbaja and Palembang. If you really want to gut the AI and tilt the game absurdly in your favor you can hold all these areas.

If you want to be realistic in China, you can 'buy out' those units that can have their HQ switched. Move them over the mountains into Burma and then India for rebuilding and training. Of course, against the AI, there is no rule saying that you can't march out all of the Chinese units that you want to. It depends (like the observations about other key Japanese goals) on how much you want to mimic history versus 'beat the AI'.

BBfanboy -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 10:12:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: jagsdomain

So about 1 week in and I need fighters everywhere.
I am trying to hold on in Rangoon but the dam Sallys are not making life easy. To mame it worse there are 0 yep 0 fighters in all of India.
Trying to get some ak to east cost to grab some fighters but that is a month away.

I am playing quite China but I have a feeling that the computer is not doing anything with the China forces but letting them die. But not a problem for now!

What is a decent strat for India?

There are a LOT of aircraft squadrons that arrive at Aden. Go to the Intel report and look at your Air Unit Arrivals. Use any available AKVs to haul fighters to Karachi. From there they go by rail overland to Calcutta or even Chittagong if you have lots of air support there. Get them repaired and check the quality of the leaders.

If AKVs are not available, use xAKs in an Air Transport TF to move the aircraft.

Also consider upgrading the aircraft before you send it away from Aden.

And make sure you can provide air support wherever you are sending aircraft. Check the Land Unit Arrivals queue to see all the BFs, Air HQs and Air Support squadrons arriving. Aden also gets a lot of these.

BBfanboy -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 10:22:11 PM)



Take your cargo ships in Cape Town and send most of them to the East Coast and some the England. Then have them return with supplies until you build up a large stockpile. Group the ships by type, using both speed and cargo capacity. You can use the supplies later. Have some ships at Aden waiting for units to bring to Karachi.

You can also haul from Canada which is closer than England. Just crank the Canada supply draw up to full draw (+25) to ensure there will be supply there for the ships.

You will also need fuel for all the ships going back and forth from CT to on-map locations, so send some tankers to EC USA to haul fuel to CT. I use the shorter ranged big tankers here, saving the long-ranged ones for WC-USA to Oz or NZ and smaller tankers for the small ports on map.

Set up your cargo and tanker TFs as CS TFs to haul continuously to CT, unload and return automatically so you do not have to monitor them constantly. To do this send them to their base they will load at and make that their home port. Order them to start loading and set destination CT. Then click on Human Control to change it to CS Convoy and you are done. Off-map to off-map travel uses no fuel and causes no system damage so you only need to consider upgrades and whether it is time to bring any of the ships back on-map.

Set a target supply and fuel level that you want for CT so you will know when to start pulling stuff on-map from there. Note that Mombasa will also slowly accumulate supply and fuel that you can use.

RangerJoe -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/2/2019 11:10:22 PM)

East Coast is closer to Cape Town than Canada is. England gets so much supply every turn so you might as well grab it.

If you rail air units, no need to send them on an AKV since sending them by rail damages them. Actually, things like wings are taken off before loading on railcars or they might even be crated. Use the AKVs to load air units where you are going to be needing them to fly right away. Also, break the air units into thirds and remove the pilots any time that you ship them in case a ship is lost you won't lose the entire air unit. Any non-carrier capable aircraft on an aircraft carrier counts as 4 aircraft for load purposes. They can only fly off to a land base and are not usable for air missions on the aircraft carrier.

BBfanboy -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/3/2019 12:54:23 AM)



East Coast is closer to Cape Town than Canada is. England gets so much supply every turn so you might as well grab it.

If you rail air units, no need to send them on an AKV since sending them by rail damages them. Actually, things like wings are taken off before loading on railcars or they might even be crated. Use the AKVs to load air units where you are going to be needing them to fly right away. Also, break the air units into thirds and remove the pilots any time that you ship them in case a ship is lost you won't lose the entire air unit. Any non-carrier capable aircraft on an aircraft carrier counts as 4 aircraft for load purposes. They can only fly off to a land base and are not usable for air missions on the aircraft carrier.

I suggested the AKVs because they are faster than most xAKs. It is also possible to take the newly unloaded aircraft and fly them from AF to AF until you get where you want, but I find the risk of ops losses too high using this method, and the aircraft arrive with lots of wear and tear to be fixed.

geofflambert -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/3/2019 3:10:43 AM)

The Brits don't have enough engineers and they can't replace their aircrews. Don't use them. Train the crap out of the crews you have for later use. Move air HQs from the US plus a good deal of construction engineers and base forces. I'd strip any British carriers of their squadrons and move US Navy squadrons to man them. The US planes are much better and you can sustain a lot of losses with them that the Brits cannot. Also move a good strong US Army corps there to shore them up, maybe more later. The troops you send there would just be sitting on their hands with nothing to do, as you will not have the amphibious capacity for a long while to move more than a couple of divisions to the Coral Sea area. I wouldn't send any Marines (including air squadrons) to the Indian Ocean theatre, just Navy and Army.

traskott -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/3/2019 6:45:59 AM)

Concerning xAKs:

- Put all Empires and Dominios xAKs in CapeTown and send them 50% to OZ, 50% to India. Use short range xAKLs to refill CapeTown with supplies and fuel, via cs convoys from USA/UK. Add the APs ( the ones which become APA in 1943 ) to increase the supply movement. India should be flooded with supply by 06/42.

About troops:

- Forget Rangoon, your troops are weak and with morale of 30-40 they will surrender even to a japanese in a bike. Make an organised retreat to India, train them, and wait for your oportunity.

British Airframes:

- Use british sqns as defenders via CAP. Bombers are few and weak so send them to Aden/Abadan with all the chinese to train, train and more train. Maybe keep some in India for Naval Search but remember that skill is still very low. FAA airframes/sqns are a bit more trained but no replacements and inferior quality relegate them to convoy escort.

Boots in the ground:

- British/Indian/Chineses: Keep them in india training and resting. I would even let Colombo empty, because if invaded you don't have goods troops to defend it. Some US Army divisions there ( if it's allowed by HR ) should be the defensive army if invaded

SuluSea -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/3/2019 2:10:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: jagsdomain

Can Rangoon be held?
What do you mean buy out China?

Against the AI? Of course Rangoon can be held. So can Singapore, Manila, Clark, Batavia, Soerbaja and Palembang. If you really want to gut the AI and tilt the game absurdly in your favor you can hold all these areas.

If you want to be realistic in China, you can 'buy out' those units that can have their HQ switched. Move them over the mountains into Burma and then India for rebuilding and training. Of course, against the AI, there is no rule saying that you can't march out all of the Chinese units that you want to. It depends (like the observations about other key Japanese goals) on how much you want to mimic history versus 'beat the AI'.

Andre offers sage advice here. You can break the AI game buy reinforcing certain places.

For Burma no matter how much strength I build up I always retreat into India with the exception of trying to hold Akyab.

If you want to enjoy a good game against the AI take some lumps early, you'll get plenty of toys and learn more about the game IMO.

HansBolter -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/3/2019 4:56:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: jagsdomain

Will do!

In general about cargo ships.
I have a feeling I am adding alot of work for myself.
I am sending cargo ships to South Africa empty and basong them there. Then will send them back with fuel supplies etc. Same thing with Oz ships. I am setting home port at Jave cities then send them back to Oz.
Is there a way of senting a ship to a port loading then comeing back home?

The Continuous Supply setting is what you are looking for. When toggling the Human Control/Computer Control yellow text in the TF interface one of the choices as you keep clicking is Continuous Supply.

Once set a CS TF will ply back and forth between home port, where it loads whatever you initially set it to load, travels to the destination port, delivers the goods and returns home to reload for another trip. Waypoints in both directions and refueling can be set as desired.

This is how most experienced players set up their logistics.

I'll rename then such as Pearl Fuel, Pearl Supply so if I happen to spot one of them plying the ocean and and examine it I am not left wondering what that TF is up to.

My current game is in early February 1946. I have had CS TFs delivering supply and fuel to Pearl since I set them up in early '42. Most of the ships in those TFs never implemented any of their potential upgrades as they have been slaved to convoy duty for the entire game. Pearl has 10 million supply and 5 million fuel.

Of course this can only be used over sea lanes that are relatively safe. Delivering supply and fuel to front line ports still needs to be done manually, but most of the back areas, once secured can be set up for automated delivery.

There is also an Auto Convoy mechanism in the game I am not sure I am referring to be the correct name. In this mechanic you assign transport ships and escorts to a pool that the game AI uses to set up TFs to deliver supplies only when needed to any base that is set to participate in the Auto Convoy system. I don't know of a single player who uses this mechanic. Most players are loathe to surrender assets to AI control as it typically doesn't use them efficiently.

pcasey -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/3/2019 10:36:25 PM)




ORIGINAL: jagsdomain

Can Rangoon be held?
What do you mean buy out China?

Very unlikely to be able to hold Rangoon, IMHO, even against the AI. Try to manage a fighting retreat into India and save the bulk of your army.


Speaking as a frequent AI player, you can hold Rangoon against the AI :). If you hold Singers, the AI can't move those troops up to Burma theatre so it ends up trying to engage in Burma with too small a force that you can stop in the good defensive positions of Rangoon.

I'm sure a good human opponent is a whole other kettle of fish, but vs the AI pretty doable, but, paradoxically, it means the key to defensing Rangoon is defending Singapore.

Ian R -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/4/2019 12:02:17 AM)

Auto Convoy mechanism - it routs things very poorly, and then they waste time trying to go around threats.

When you first set up a (CS) convoy from say SFO to Noumea, its route is assigned to go through the Marshall/Gilbert islands, despite the fact that the IJN is in residence there. Which you correct with way points. If you just let it go the way it wants, it might detour around the air threat, but the problem is that if the IJ moves, say, a Betty group to a nearby base on day X, on day X+1 the convoy is toast. On the odd occasion where you forget to set the 'return same way' button and a TF wanders off towards Makin Island, carnage results, regardless of telling it to move the safe route.

Eventually in about 1945 you can use the auto-convoy system for backwaters, but if a convoy from origin port to destination would, left to its own devices, go within Betty/Emily/Peggy/Rita range of any functional IJ air field, it is best to use a waypointed CS convoy for that destination.

Dili -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/4/2019 6:53:02 AM)

Probably an auto convoy can be setup for San Francisco or Los Angeles to Pearl Harbor but that is it, so it is a waste of your time dwelling with something different when you will always need to setup several CS convoys.

BBfanboy -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/4/2019 1:17:08 PM)



Probably an auto convoy can be setup for San Francisco or Los Angeles to Pearl Harbor but that is it, so it is a waste of your time dwelling with something different when you will always need to setup several CS convoys.

The game's developers (MichaelM ? ) have said that the AutoConvoy routine never worked quite right and developed the CS routine to make up for the glitches in the AC one. Just don't use AutoConvoy at all.

jagsdomain -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/4/2019 4:06:13 PM)

What do you mean by buy put?

Gridley380 -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/4/2019 4:10:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: jagsdomain

What do you mean by buy put?

Assuming you mean "buy out" its a slang term on this board to indicate paying the political points needed to change a unit from a restricted HQ to an unrestricted HQ. This is required by the game in order to load a unit on a ship, and is a common house rule before letting a unit cross a land border.

jagsdomain -> RE: What to do in Rangoon (9/4/2019 4:18:05 PM)

If the ship sais it cannot make it from South Africa to East Coast it still can because its off map. Right?

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