Berserk -> (7/4/2003 6:11:16 PM)
Comerade Beserk, Comerade Berserk !! Calm yourself man. Do you not know how to greet a senior comerade! Now, what is all that fuss about? Tigers Sir, Tigers!! Get a grip of yourself now and make a formal report. Tigers Sir, two of them. To the North. Just now. Driving towards our positions at speed. One of our AT-Guns put two direct hits into their front armour, but nothing happened! OK, tell our commerades to calm down and save the ammo. Let me know if anything else happens. Sir -- there is one other thing Sir. Well, spit it out man. Do I need to pull it out by the tounge! You see, one of our MC's ran into some Germans in an isolated patch of woods to the south -- they took some casulties. Good! How many Germans did they kill? Well, Sir, I mean that is the problem -- you see Sir -- they retreated. They did what ??! Retreat !! How dare they, tell their survivors that unless they bring in an appropriate number of German scalps within the next two hours, they will be guarding an ammo truck for the rest of the war!